Message 11 of 11

Re: Google Nests buffering since getting EETV


It does sound like multicast flooding in theory but without knowing the setup of the SH2 its hard to know. Surely fundamentally though the SH2 has an internal setup intelligent enough not to flood the network with multicast packets when IPTV is switched on at the ISP. Sure if you were using a 3rd party router not setup for IPTV at all its possible but I really cant imagine the SH2 is that dumb.

It does interest me how it is setup on the SH2, all the ports will work for Multicast tele along with its WIFI, but it must have some mitigating setup to avoid flooding all the devices connected via Ethernet or WIFI that do not want those packets. Having to set that up on a 3rd party router can yield varied results, in fact I find it most easiest to just use a single port and send all the Multicast there, so the SH2 is cleverer than me, I hope.

Potentially the addition of the boxes is causing some additional WIFI load which is enough to slow the Nest's slightly, I havent spotted if you said if the EETV's are connected via WIFI but I assume one is?

As for some stats, with my EETV in standby the current throughput to its interface is more or less constantly around 75 kbps, very small amount, of course if I power on the box that will rise to Megabits depending on the channel.

As for my IGMP proxy:

Box in Standby checking 3 times a few seconds apart

Group                               Origin                                In             Out        Pkts                          Bytes                 Wrong
234.81.x.x                     109.159.x.x                  eth0        eth4      22348347           228.49MB       0

Group                               Origin                                In             Out        Pkts                          Bytes                 Wrong
234.81.x.x                     109.159.x.x                  eth0        eth4      22348384           228.54MB      0

Group                               Origin                                In             Out        Pkts                          Bytes                 Wrong
234.81.x.x                     109.159.x.x                  eth0        eth4      22348444           228.61MB     0

So there is a steady tick over but nothing significant, nothing I think that would flood anything

Box streaming Sky Sports Main Event checking 3 times a few seconds apart

Group                               Origin                                In             Out        Pkts                          Bytes                 Wrong
234.81.x.x                     109.159.x.x                  eth0        eth4      22350315           231.03MB      0
234.81.x.x                     109.159.x.x                  eth0        eth4              38547               49.85MB      0

Group                               Origin                                In             Out        Pkts                          Bytes                 Wrong
234.81.x.x                     109.159.x.x                  eth0        eth4      22350351          231.03MB      0
234.81.x.x                     109.159.x.x                  eth0        eth4              43673             56.48MB       0

Group                               Origin                                In             Out        Pkts                          Bytes                 Wrong
234.81.x.x                     109.159.x.x                  eth0        eth4      22350380         231.12MB      0
234.81.x.x                     109.159.x.x                  eth0        eth4              47815             61.83MB      0

So when a channel is streamed a new connection is opened up which is shown by the second IP which a much quicker rate of travel, as you can see the first line is still there at the same as it was in standby increasing in the same slow fashion, but the second line now present, is moving at a rate reflecting the channel traffic. Recording two channels at once and there would be a 3rd line there also.

What I am drawing from this is that when the boxes are in Standby, not alot is happening at all and I would be very surprised if any flooding took place, especially on the SH2 which should have built in mitigation for that anyway. In my case eth0 is connect to my ONT and eth4 is a dedicated port for my IPTV and my router is setup just to pick up multicast from eth0 and send it to eth4 where the only device connected is the EETV Box Pro. I can stick any switch on eth4 and connect multiple TV Boxes.

I dont think its your new EETV mate but happy for the above to be interpreted differently.

Edit: OMG the formatting is not ideal, sorry for that, the headings arent lining up as bring it over from putty is screwing it up, even if I use the code block.


BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra