Message 1 of 9

Hybrid Connect Question

Hi all,

My broadband stopped working today. I signed up to the Halo subscription and I'm being sent a Hybrid Connect Hub(?) works off the SIM/4G I assume.

My Super Hub 2 is showing the still orange light. Not sure if it's a Hub problem or with the Openreach white box as not all the lights are showing on that. And obviously we have no Internet coming into the house. Will the Hybrid Connect still work as it needs to connect to the Super Hub 2?

I've watched the setup video before it arrives, and just panicking now it won't work when it arrives.



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Message 2 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Question

Hi @Stevee04   Everything depends on which Halo you have signed up to. Halo 3 is a Mini hub which works independently of the SH2 or Halo 3+ which uses the Hybrid Connect modem which connects to the SH2. The Hybrid Connect is simply an add on to the SH2 acting as an extra modem (4G) so the SH2 continues to function as before but takes it’s signal from 4G instead of the ONT.

Message 3 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Question

Thanks @VeteranISPUser.

All I know is it was £7 extra per month so I'm assuming the standard Halo. Was told on the phone I'd be able to have Internet access while my broadband was down.

My order details just say equipment  'Hybrid Connect'.

If I can use the device without the Superhub 2 I imagine I'll be able to get up and running until an engineer fixes the issue?

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Message 4 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Question

Hi @Stevee04   The Hybrid Connect is just a modem (not a hub) which connects to the Smart Hub 2 which is required as the Router. You cannot use the Hybrid Connect (4G modem) without the SH2 (Router).

Message 5 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Question

Thanks @VeteranISPUser 

So if the Superhub is working okay it should work? I think the problem is coming from the Openreach box as that isn't receiving any Internet.

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Message 6 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Question


All I know is it was £7 extra per month so I'm assuming the standard Halo.

£7 is the Hybrid addon for non-Halo customers, the same addon that Halo 3+ customers get included with the package.

Once it arrives, follow the instructions and connect it to your Smart Hub 2, it should then detect there's no fixed line BB source and kick in.
Your wi-fi connected devices will connect to the Smart Hub 2 as normal, the only difference is the broadband source will come from 4G until the fixed line broadband kicks back in.


Message 7 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Question

Brilliant thanks @-Richie- .

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Message 8 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Question


Thanks @VeteranISPUser 

So if the Superhub is working okay it should work? I think the problem is coming from the Openreach box as that isn't receiving any Internet.

Hi @Stevee04   Yes the Smart Hub 2 must be working for the Hybrid Connect to work. Quite simply the SH2 picks up the broadband signal from the 4G network instead of the Openreach network. Once set up, the SH2 automatically switches to the backup 4G network when the Openreach network goes down. It will automatically switch back to the Openreach network once it is repaired without you doing anything. As far as all your devices are concerned, they carry on working the same.

Message 9 of 9

Re: Hybrid Connect Question

Thank you @VeteranISPUser. Appreciate the help.

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