Hello everyone,
I've just rented a flat where the landlord forbids drilling holes in the wall (mainly "for those fibre connections") so I believe any kind of FTTP is a big no-no.
I've checked the postcode on BT website and apparently the only options available are:
- Fibre Essential
- Fibre 1
- Fibre 2
- Fibre 100
- Fibre 250
I wonder if the fastest option here - Fibre 250 - is FTTC and uses the copper wires in the house without the need to drill holes?
Also, as a side question, any advice on how to eventually install FTTP in the future? I believe passing the cable through the window might go against standard procedures of OpenReach?
Thank you all!
Fibre 250 is G.FAST using same connection of copper from cabinet to your home
It MAY also involve drilling as well as there's an openreach modem to be installed
No, the SH2 is G.Fast capable. Even if a modem was needed, drilling wouldn't be required.