Message 1 of 3

Moving ONT box

Hi guys I currently have full fibre on the 500mb package, the ONT box and router are currently in my hallway as pictured, my router very awkwardly sits on top of the ONT box. 


I would like to move my router into the living room area, is there anyway of doing this without running an Ethernet cable into the living room? 


I've saw some people using powerline adapters that plug directly into the ONT enabling them to move the router into the living room without having to run cables through, is there anyway of doing this? Or does this seriously affect the stability of the wifi? 


Or is my only option having to run an Ethernet cable all the way through the hallway into the far corner of the living room where I'd like to reposition the router. (Distance between ONT box and new place i'd like router go is approx 23ft)






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Message 2 of 3

Re: Moving ONT box

Yes, you can use powerline adapters to connect the ONT to your router. The speed you will achieve is dependent on the quality of your mains wiring. It's a case of try it and see.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: Moving ONT box

You need to be aware of the chance of interference with certain types of essential services that you plug into your electric circuit,  some services may need to be adjusted to work correctly.

Powerline adapters can be incompatible with certain medical and security systems.

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