Message 1 of 3

New fibre connection

Good morning all,

Across the road from me there was a number of new build houses that all have fiber. Whilst they where doing the work I was told by BT that once it was "in the area" my address would appear on their system and I could arrange for a new connection. 

Thinking ahead, I asked the housing developers to put in the required ducting from my next door neighbour to.my house to make life easier for my connection when it was time. 

Unfortunately the story has now from BT and I get a blanket response that there is nothing they can do until it appears on their system and they have no influence over open reach. I would have to speak to them to resolve which they do not allow any customer contact over the form which let's be honest a single home will just go in the bin. 

Does anyone have any suggestions? 


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Message 2 of 3

Re: New fibre connection

FTTP into ‘New sites’  is a separate program from the ‘retro build’ program for established housing , so a new development getting FTTP has no bearing on someone like you living in nearby existing housing , it neither speeds up or slows down any plans Openreach may have for the older housing in the area….as you have been told BT Consumer have not more or less influence on what Openreach do or don’t do , than ( for example ) Sky or Talk Talk .

You can register an interest in getting FTTP with OR , but if that avenue seems pointless, then that’s pretty much it .

Message 3 of 3

Re: New fibre connection

you can try contacting openreach  https://www.openreach.com/forms/fibre-broadband-availability---customer-form


can you enter address and post results  https://www.broadbandchecker.btwholesale.com/#/ADSL/AddressHome

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