I had a BT engineer round today because of an ongoing fault. He changed hubs and the fault still existed so not that. I had the uses process of changing the wifi set up on various connections (so many) but I could NOT get the Hive Heating to connect!
After spending yet another 2 hours on help lines with Hive they got me to check the connections at the back of the new hub. Turns out that although there are 4 sockets only 3 are ethernet and one is WAN. Apparently that should work as an ethernet socket for most devices......obviously other than Hive! Once I swapped it into another port it connected!
BT need to advise their enigineers that some devices don't work on that port!
Hi @Duffer56
It is a simple switch in the Hub Manager so the SH2 can be used for ADSL and Full Fibre. If you want to use the forth port then make sure Full Fibre (FTTP) Mode is off.