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Message 1 of 10

Previously connected via TP-LINK VR2800 - now no longer connecting to internet

Hi all,

I've been a BT service user for the last 9 years, and have previously been connected (FTTX external) via a TP-Link VR2800 directly wan connected to the Open Reach Port 1 method.

Yesterday, my internet connection failed and I cannot get the VR2800 to reconnect to the internet (although internal network is working fine). In desperation I have reconnected the BT Smart Hub 2 which connects fine and restores the internet connection

I'm keen to get the TP-Link re-working. Prior to this issue I had not changed any settings. However, I have now updated the firmware on the device and still the connection fails

Additionally, I'm not a users of digital voice

Looking for any advice / suggestions to work a fix

Thank you

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Message 2 of 10

Re: Previously connected via TP-LINK VR2800 - now no longer connecting to internet

Making assumptions that you have FTTP and using PPPOE to connect.....

Hard to say, but first point of call would be to look at the logs and check for authentication failure on the PPPOE interface which will be attached to the parent WAN interface. I would clear the logs on the router, switch off the router, switch off the ONT, power on the ONT, connect the TP Link to the ONT, power on the TP Link and wait 5 minutes or at least until you are sure the internet has failed then check the logs on the TP link to check for any signs. It would be good to see this because if you are authenticating it could be DNS issue or something else.

You could try factory resetting the TP Link and setting up the BT PPPOE connection again, its possible something has corrupted, depends on how keen you are on your settings.

Are the lights on the ONT the same for when you connect the TP Link as well as the Hub?

I also assume the internet connection is not there on WIFI and Ethernet from the TP Link?

Unfortunately us 3rd party equipment users have to do this dance from time to time.


BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
Message 3 of 10

Re: Previously connected via TP-LINK VR2800 - now no longer connecting to internet

Hi naylor,

Thanks for the response, appreciate share of thoughts on this. At least happy to not be alone on the dancefloor for this one.

Quick few responses;

* Yes, it's FTTP and PPPOE connection
* Lights on ONT are the same on both connections
*Assumption is correct that connection not available on etiher WIFI or Ethernet on the TP Link
* Log is here, I realised when extracting this I'd never set the date/time on the router (so apologies everything showing as 2016 01 01)

Haven't reset the log as of yet.

Trying to avoid a factory reset if at all possible.

Thanks for your help!

0 Ratings
Message 4 of 10

Re: Previously connected via TP-LINK VR2800 - now no longer connecting to internet

PPPOE problem, looks like its not getting a response so just timing out and failing to eventually authenticate. 

2016-01-01 22:16:54 [6] PPP: sent [PADT session is 0]
2016-01-01 22:16:54 [6] PPP: sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000676)]
2016-01-01 22:16:59 [6] PPP: sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000676)]
2016-01-01 22:17:09 [6] PPP: sent [PADI Host-Uniq(0x00000676)]
2016-01-01 22:17:29 [4] PPP: Timeout waiting for PADO packets
2016-01-01 22:17:29 [3] PPP: Unable to complete PPPoE Discovery
2016-01-01 22:17:29 [4] PPP: Connect script failed

The logs just loop and loop so there's nothing else in there to check, I assume youve powered off the ONT for a couple mins just in case?

I was going to post my successful logs from my ER-X but actually the PPPOE script outputs very differently so wont help.

The PADI packet is the first step in locating the access (remote BT) server, the router simply isnt getting anything back for one or another reason, this is the very first step, without even locating a PPPOE server remotely you cant even its not a credentials authentication error, either your router cant reach the access server or the access server doesnt like what its getting so isnt returning anything. Could be a change on the remote server but you'd think a firmware update would solve that bring the TP Link up to date.

Difficult to say really, BT wont share any other logs with you as its a third party device and thats fair enough....

If you can backup your config on the router do that, factory reset it then start from scratch going through the wizard for PPPOE and see if that fixes it, if not, maybe you need a new router either due to age or fault. Pretty sure though folks still use this model though so its slightly confusing.








BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
Message 5 of 10

Re: Previously connected via TP-LINK VR2800 - now no longer connecting to internet

Fix the router time to the current date, then try again.

Message 6 of 10

Re: Previously connected via TP-LINK VR2800 - now no longer connecting to internet

Thanks for the suggestion, that doesn't appear to have fixed, unfortunately.

Message 7 of 10

Re: Previously connected via TP-LINK VR2800 - now no longer connecting to internet

Appreciate the review of logs

Yeah, I feel like it's either a hardware failure or something has changed on the BT remote server side (given that it was working successfully and continuously up until this Saturday for the past 4 years)

I'll try the backup and reset method and report back

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Message 8 of 10

Re: Previously connected via TP-LINK VR2800 - now no longer connecting to internet

Nothing has changed on the BT side, the PPPoE credentials are generic and are hard coded into BT hubs in any case so cannot have changed.

I suspect your router has just failed.

Message 9 of 10

Re: Previously connected via TP-LINK VR2800 - now no longer connecting to internet

Actually, incorrect time does make trust based relationships fail so that could have been in.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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Message 10 of 10

Re: Previously connected via TP-LINK VR2800 - now no longer connecting to internet

Once of the reasons I like BT, its super easy to use your own router.

In this case....its not evening opening a channel to do the CHAP.

BT900 | Nokia ONT | Ubiquiti ER-X | EETV Box Pro (IP Mode) | Unifi CK2 | 6x Unifi U6+ | 2x Unifi SAK Ultra
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