Message 11 of 13

Re: Smart Hub 2 not accepting password

Make sure yu are using the Wireless passkey/password and not the Admin password.

It may be that the Smarthub is not a new one and is a "refurbished" one. Try a factory reset of the  Smarthub by pressing a pin into the recess button on the rear for about 20 seconds. This should restore the wireless password to the one on the label.

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Message 12 of 13

Re: Smart Hub 2 not accepting password

'Tis a new hub.

Connected PC and Roku box using WAP button.

iPlayer accepted password.

TV accepted password.

Everything now hunky dory.

Just wish BT/EE would make the font larger on the little sticker.

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Message 13 of 13

Re: Smart Hub 2 not accepting password

I think you mean WPS button on the router. I have had several of my own BT Hubs over the years and have never had any problems with the insert giving the admin password, SSSID etc. I apologise if you have sight problems that glasses won't ameliorate.
As suggested change your SSID and security key to that of a past or original hub you have had and then all you equipment will recognise you new hubs without a hitch.
I connect my new hubs to my PC using and Ethernet cable and power up the hub and then wait about 5 mins and then open up the browser and type in the Hub Manager IP address given above and then you can enter the settings using the existing passwords, SSID etc and change them to whatever you want or had previously.
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