I have received a Smart Hybrid connect as part of a renewal of contract. It was unexpected and I would rather not install more hardware. Is this device really needed and why? Getting very displeased with BT
It's not 'needed', it's a fallback device for when your broadband fails due to line fault. Your choice if you wish to use it.
You obviously signed up for Halo 3+ as it is part of that package.
I had Halo 3 - never had a problem but it is probably more than I need. I have had trouble getting info out of BT to what I do nee and what advantage is Halo
The advantage of Halo is extra profit for BT
Weirdly with our renewal coming up, BT have been offering us a Halo package cheaper than a basic package with the same speed! It's still £13/m more than I can get elsewhere, though!