Message 1 of 10

Switch to DigitalVoice

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We have been told we will be upgraded to DigitalVoice in 30 days, and since our current router is a HomeHub6, I assume it will be upgaded to a SmartHub2.

The current router is heavilly configured - DHCP, DDNS, port mappings, WiFi etc.

Is there any way I can copy the configuration from one router to the other, or will I have to laboriously re-enter all the configuration by hand?

And since both routers appear to default to an IP address of, what's the best way to have them both connected at the same time so I can manage the migration?

Thanks for any suggestions


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Message 2 of 10

Re: Switch to DigitalVoice

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You can not transfer the configuration settings from one BT Hub to another.

You can give the new Smarthub the same SSid and Password as your old hub. This would save you having to reconnect all your devices.

To do that just connect the new hub to a PC or Laptop by an Ethernet cable and go into the management settings where you will find the SSid and Password. The new hub does need to be connected to the Internet to do this.

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Message 3 of 10

Re: Switch to DigitalVoice

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Thanks for the update - much appreciated.

I guess I will have to change the IP address of the old hub so I can have them both old and new Huns on the LAN at the same time. Quite how I view and copy the DNS info without all my client devices getting thoroughly confused, I'm not sure!

Thanks again


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Message 4 of 10

Re: Switch to DigitalVoice

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I am facing the same thing. I have taken screen shots of everything relevant and will change over to the new hub on it's own, and set it up from the screenshots.

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Message 5 of 10

Re: Switch to DigitalVoice

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Just disconnect your PC or Laptop from the old hub while you make the changes to the Smarthub's SSid and Password by either turning the computers wifi off or disconnecting the Ethernet cable to the old hub.

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Message 6 of 10

Re: Switch to DigitalVoice

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you don't need to connect the new hub to the internet to access hub manager and make changes to SSID and wifi password.  I always make these changes off line when I receive new hub before replacing existing hub so devices just connect automatically

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Message 7 of 10

Re: Switch to DigitalVoice

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If your current setup relies on split SSIDs for the 2.4 & 5GHz channels, note that the SH2 can't do that. Just in case you go through the pain of the setup only to discover this at the end.


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Message 8 of 10

Re: Switch to DigitalVoice

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Many thanks for the warning. At present the 5GHz SSID has a "_5" suffix caompared with the 2.4 so that they can be more easily distinguished. I might have to lose that.

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Message 9 of 10

Re: Switch to DigitalVoice

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Thanks for the info. I might need to do just that.


I wil lprobably set the new SH2 up with a different SSID while it's not on the main LAN, and then change the SSID when I've switch hubs.



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Message 10 of 10

Re: Switch to DigitalVoice

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@imjolly wrote:


you don't need to connect the new hub to the internet to access hub manager and make changes to SSID and wifi password.  I always make these changes off line when I receive new hub before replacing existing hub so devices just connect automatically

I know. I have done it many times over the years. It's a typo in my first post. Too late to edit it now.

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