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Message 1 of 13

Using my ASUS RT-AX59U in conjunction with my BT Smart Hub

Dear All,


I have used the search function to try tof igure out what to do but I am still unsure so please forgive me for my question.


I have a BT smart Hub Typwe A - FTTC - with BT Whole Home Wifi  connected and would like to directly connect the ASUS RT-AX59U which I have just purchased to improve range and bandwidth.

Is there a way to connect the hub to the Asus and use the existing Whole Hub wifi set up using the same ssid and password as the Whole Home Wifi as I have many devices connected? Would I be using the smart hub or the Asus as the router?


FTTC connectionFTTC connection RouterRouter

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Message 2 of 13

Re: Using my ASUS RT-AX59U in conjunction with my BT Smart Hub

There are 2 ways to connect a second router to a hub, both have been described in detail many times on the forum.

1. Use the second device purely as a WiFi acces point by either configuring it in access point mode if it has one or simply turning off DHCP and giving it an address outside of the DHCP range of the hub  if it doesn't. Connect the 2 devices LAN port to LAN port.

2. Create a whole new subnet and connect the second device's WAN port to one of the Hub's LAN ports. Either configure the WAN port for DHCP or again give it a static address outside of the DHCP range of the hub. Set it's gateway address as

With the second option you will have 2 networks but you can give them the same WiFi SSID and password. You won't be able to connect devices on one network to devices on the other but unless you have a NAS that shouldn't be a problem.

Option 1 is much simpler.


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Message 3 of 13

Re: Using my ASUS RT-AX59U in conjunction with my BT Smart Hub

Thank you.
Please could you explain how to do this" by either configuring it in access point mode if it has one or simply turning off DHCP and giving it an address outside of the DHCP range of the hub if it doesn't" as I am a newbie.

Does option 1 allow me to " use the existing Whole Hub wifi set up using the same ssid and password as the Whole Home Wifi?"

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Message 4 of 13

Re: Using my ASUS RT-AX59U in conjunction with my BT Smart Hub

As for the first point, I have no idea, I don't have an Asus device. You need to consult the manual, I can only offer principles rather than detailed instructions.

As for the second point, yes, simply give the Asus the same SSID and password.

@TimCurtis  (resident Asus guru) may be along to offer detailed Asus advice.

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Message 5 of 13

Re: Using my ASUS RT-AX59U in conjunction with my BT Smart Hub


I know it might be a long shot but you have posted a picture of your BT hub and it is showing the hubs SSid, wireless passkey and the Admin password. You should blank them out in the off chance that somebody nearby can use them to hack into your network.

EDIT: Just noticed the time limit that your picture can be edited has passed so I have asked a moderator to blank out the details.

Message 6 of 13

Re: Using my ASUS RT-AX59U in conjunction with my BT Smart Hub

If you want to use the RT-AX59U in AP mode, the easiest way is to connect a LAN cable from the BT hub to the WAN cable on the Asus, and then use the Asus Router app to set it up.  It'll only take a minute or two - just follow the instructions on the app like a pedant!

There is little point in setting up this router any other way as it's only real advantage over the BT hub is going to be it's WiFi 6 capability.

I only learn by making mistakes and owning up to them - boy do I learn a lot!
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Message 7 of 13

Re: Using my ASUS RT-AX59U in conjunction with my BT Smart Hub

Thank you. What is AP mode? Will I be able to keep the smart hub's ssid and password using the Asus app?

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Message 8 of 13

Re: Using my ASUS RT-AX59U in conjunction with my BT Smart Hub

In AP (Access Point) mode the router just acts as a replacement WiFi system and as a network hub, you can manually set the unit to replicate the BT Hub's SSID and Password.  Using the Asus router as an AP, you'll need to turn the WiFi on the BT Hub off!

I only learn by making mistakes and owning up to them - boy do I learn a lot!
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Message 9 of 13

Re: Using my ASUS RT-AX59U in conjunction with my BT Smart Hub

No need to turn the WiFi off on the hub.

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Message 10 of 13

Re: Using my ASUS RT-AX59U in conjunction with my BT Smart Hub


I'm not sure what you hope to gain by using this router as a Smarthub with Whole Home wifi should give you good wifi coverage.

And regards throughput you'll gain nothing as you're only on FTTC and what you have is more than adequate for the download/upload speeds you get.

How many black discs do you have?

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