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Message 1 of 2

Wifi connection often fails on 2.4ghz

A few months ago EE popped up as an option to connect to our BT smart hub.

Since then it seems we have had intermittant problems connecting some divices to our hub in 2.4ghz. Some are perfectly fine and stable yet my Samsung galaxy note 9 and 10 sometimes connect and sometimes don't. Although they are using the the correct password it keeps saying connection failed - "there was a problen authenticating the connection". I've tried the solutions to no avail.

I then bought a new 2nd hand laptop yesterday which also is having issues.

I can connect using the EE wifi, but then have to re-sign in every now and again.

Any help gratefully received.

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Wifi connection often fails on 2.4ghz

You should not need to use the EEWifi to connect to your own BTSmarthub.

You should be using your own wifi network. It will be shown what that is on the card on the BTSmarthub.

If the connection is not very good you should try a factory reset of the BThub by pressing a pin into the recess button on the rear for about 20 seconds. This can often sort out problems.