I am starting to work from home and need access to the main computer at work, I have upgraded my laptop to Windows 11 Pro and did the required changes to both computers but when i finally tried to connect to the main computer using the Remote Desktop Connection whilst on the premises it worked, but when I went home and tried again it come up with error message, remote access to the server is not enabled, the remote computer is turned off, the remote computer is not available on the network. please HELP
The main computer is running from a bt smart hub 2.
BT is just providing a pipe, your problem lies either with your configuration or the remote configuration. Absolutely nothing to do with BT.
Ok thank you
You need either a firewall rule on the office firewalls that allows the RDP port through but that would be insanity in a work place and would only work for one machine because you forward the RDP TCP port 3389 from the external IP address of the workplaces connection to the local IP of the work desktop.
If you are trying to access a work place desktop via MSTSC from your laptop then your laptop will need to be on the workplace VPN, that’s typically how it’s done, the VPN in effect places your laptop whilst it off prem on the on prem network allowing your laptop to locate devices within it, like the main computer.
You can’t just RDP from one network to another. It worked at work because the two machines can locate each other within the same LAN.
NP, and sorry for some of the grammar or mistakes in my post, was via my phone just before bed.
I think you get the gist...