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Message 11 of 13

Re: BT Sport App Schedule Padel

Examining the response given

The "Live schedule" screen is designed to highlight the most popular live events that are shown on the channels, from the many that we televise. Inevitably this means that some sports sometimes get overlooked - but we do keep a close eye on viewing figures and will always look to start including sports that drive significant audiences.

If i look at the  current BT Sport app (Android) version 8.15,5

First observation  Live Schedule is not actually  a screen on the app  , there is a Live screen and a Schedule screen they are 2 different screens.

Selecting the Schedule screen at the bottom of the screen it opens  with   All Sports and September.

ALL SPORTS is quite different  in meaning to POPULAR LIVE EVENTS




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Message 12 of 13

Re: BT Sport App Schedule Padel

When you select "Schedule" at the bottom, the screen that then appears is split between 2 tabs at the top - the first being "Live schedule".

You've received your answer, and I can see that you clearly now just want to argue, so at this point I'll leave you to it.

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Message 13 of 13

Re: BT Sport App Schedule Padel

I am sorry that you feel that providing feedback is considered as simple arguement.

I can now see that after the first screen that details  Live and Schedule  (two seperate screens )  at the bottom if you opt for schedule that Live schedule does indeed appear on the top left hand side. However that quickly disappears as you scroll down  as i was focused on the bottom LHS which says All Sports and naturally scrolled down to view.   All sports are not listed  hence the issue,

This does  make it difficult to identify what live coverage is upcoming for some sports and competitions and in my own experience i have missed events because they were not listed.




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