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Message 1 of 2

Cancelling TNT Sports, advice and experience.

Just after a bit of advice or any people’s experience of cancelling their TNT Sports.

I’m asking for this on behalf of my elderly parents. They are out of contract on both their broadband and TNT sports package. Now I know to cancel the sports package they have to ring up but is it just as simple as that. I’m worried about them being bamboozled into taking a new package or renewing their broadband contract for another 2 years. I definitely don’t want their landline contract messed with at all. They’ve had the same home number for over 50 years so there is no way they can have that messed with.

I’m probably being over dramatic but I just want to make sure that they can get their TNT Sports package cancelled without anything else (broadband or landline) being changed at all. Any help or advice would be much appreciated, I can’t respond straight away as I’ll be at work. It would be so much easier if you could just do this online!

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Cancelling TNT Sports, advice and experience.

Our account is in my O/H’s name but I always deal with BT. When I ring up they usually want to speak to her to verify that it’s her account and she tells BT that she’s happy for me to speak to them on her behalf. I’m assuming that your parents don’t live that close to you. Perhaps you could phone up on their behalf and see what BT say in this situation. 

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