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Message 1 of 2

TNT Sport not working


Earlier today I decided to resubcribe to TNT sport, so I called up, spoke to someone, said I would only need for a month, which means I have to call up tomorrow to cancel, annoying enough, but ok...

I also asked if I would have any issues as I wanted it for the football tonight and was assured it would be fine.

Half an hour before the kick off I still couldn't log on, being told 

Contact your provider to find out how to watch

I have activated the account, so called up for help, being told I was in a 45 minute queue, I requested a call back.

Just after kick off, I had the call, from a perfectly polite helper, who couldn't help me, I was then put in a queue to speak to the more specialised staff, I was cut off at 9pm, not being spoken to, I still can't view the football...

This is terrible service, I can't believe you will charge me, for a service you haven't provided, which again I must stress you assured me would be fine.

I want to cancel my order, I should have larnt when I used in the past, it took 3 months for my cancelation to go through and I was never refunded the money which was promised, awful service

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Message 2 of 2

Re: TNT Sport not working

Thanks again for making me miss a great game, good job
0 Ratings