Message 1 of 7

BT Pro box not showing BT Sport 4k (ch433)

I was using the old style 4k box for around 4 years with no issues, 4k channel working fine. The recording ability of the box broke so I was sent a new BT Pro box. Setup myself and all working fine including BT Sport HD1-3, sky sports in HD all fine. 4k channel doesn't work, shows the description of whatever is showing at that particular time but no picture or sound. Have rebooted/reset/powered off etc but hasn't fixed it. BT sent me a new box but hasn't fixed it either. When I was mucking around testing it I put the old style box back in and 4k channel works fine on that still so nothing wrong with my cabling etc. Any suggestions pls as BT support not the most helpful and has now been escalated to another team with 5 day lead time...

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Message 2 of 7

Re: BT Pro box not showing BT Sport 4k (ch433)

Hi @pc001, welcome to the forum and thanks for your post. I'm sorry that the BT Sport 4K channel is not working on the Pro Box for you. As it works ok on the old box and you've already had a Pro Box replacement we would like to look into this issue further. I've sent you a Private Message so you can get on touch with us on the Mod team and we'll be happy to help you with this.



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Message 3 of 7

Re: BT Pro box not showing BT Sport 4k (ch433)

PM sent, thanks

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Message 4 of 7

Re: BT Pro box not showing BT Sport 4k (ch433)

Anything on this?

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Message 5 of 7

Re: BT Pro box not showing BT Sport 4k (ch433)

Hi @pc001,

I can see that @NeilO picked this up on the 19th. He checked in with our other Social Media teams to make sure that this was being handled for you. Our Social teams have a specialist team looking into it for you. Are you in touch with our Social teams still?



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Message 6 of 7

Re: BT Pro box not showing BT Sport 4k (ch433)

Hi, I’ve not heard anything from anyone... despite promises of callbacks that never materialise... I have chased 4 times this week and always promised a call back... not had one yet... pretty disappointing but par for the course with BT

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Message 7 of 7

Re: BT Pro box not showing BT Sport 4k (ch433)

Hi @pc001,

Thank you for posting. I'm sorry you haven't had an update from the Social Media team. @NeilO will pick this up and chase this with the team.

I'm sorry there has been a delay in getting this fixed. 



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