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Message 1 of 2

Re-activate TNT

I subscribed to TNT via discovery+ last week with HD upgrade to watch a month of rugby, yesterday I cancelled my subscription of TNT and HD as didn't want to forget about the rolling contract. I had assumed I would still be able to watch until the end of the month but it appears I no longer can watch TNT. I managed to reactivate the HD but it is still sitting as an open order and I still don't have TNT.  If I try to subscribe again to TNT, it says I cannot due to an open order. I'm going round in circles and really want to watch rugby!

Any advice or should I just phone tomorrow?

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Re-activate TNT

I suspect the phone call will be needed as it is an account  issue.

One observation, if you are taking an app (only ) subscription  to discovery  + that gives you the HD/UHD rugby coverage within the discovery + app. 

An HD  addon is normally  only required  if you are watching  TNT Sports linear HD channels via a TV box from the tV box EPG.


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