Thanks both again. It is certainly good community here and you do an EXTRA MILES to resolve the issue which again is much appreciated. I used to work in customer services too and efficient and personal service was always a goal for me. Not because I was expecting to do it. I wanted my customers to be treated like I want to be treated. What made me to raise a complaint was yesterday’s chat and not explaining what the issue is. I would rather be told clearly what is the issue and what will be done to re solve this rather than spending unnecessary long time on the phone and then on chat. Today’s experience both first on chat now here in public conversation is what I was expecting yesterday. Anyway once again thank so much for your fantastic service 🔝🎩
My first job outta uni was on the Technical Support helpline for Eclipse Internet, I know what it’s like to be in that seat, sometimes a tough place to be.
Apologies, as I had only now time to go through all the channels and found out that all my Sky Sports channels are not working yet. They are part of my Big Sport package but showing the following error: BTP-19000. Could you advice how to activate them, please? Thanks very much.
Thank you very much Darren for your prompt response despite being away and have a great day.