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Message 11 of 14

Re: BT or Virgin?

Thanks for your comments and there are a number of reasons that I want to go to full fibre and obviously speed is at the top of the list. and because I have around 50 online clients, not all at the same time, it does have quite an impact on the installation especially when streaming the TV.

The other problem is security as the cable from the pole is quite low as I live in a bungalow and a recent burglary prevented my security system working as the cable was just ripped down, so obviously the underground option was quite attractive but as mentioned in a previous post some of their current installations look dreadful.

OR tell me that there is nowhere else to bring the overhead cable in as they are not allowed to secure to chimneys and they have agreed it is too low but that there is no other option, so as you can see I am in a difficult position.

Not applicable
Message 12 of 14

Re: BT or Virgin?

Understood. Do you have a decent 4G signal?

Could a mobile broadband solution be a better option? Failing that, I would rather give Starlink money than Virgin Media! You wouldn't need a ladder for an install on a bungalow either...

Honestly, I work with people every day who are on VM and they often can't even maintain a basic Zoom call on their 500 Mbps connection. I appreciate that might be an internal issue to them rather than the overall network, but if the connection is critical and involves clients that are vital to you, I would go with literally any other solution if you can.

Trying to get out of a VM contract is a bit like being in an escape room as well...

Message 13 of 14

Re: BT or Virgin?

Thanks for the information and I will have a look at that option.

Message 14 of 14

Re: BT or Virgin?

‘I did have one interesting conversation with OR engineers who told me that the installations favour "well to do areas"’

I can 100% assure you of three things.

1. That’s absolute Bull S***. I used to be a Service Delivery Engineer and have installed FTTP in some of the nicest areas you’ll ever see and in places where even the Pigeons fly upside down because there’s literally nothing worth s***ing on. I’ve installed Fibre in places where there had to be 3 of us present, 1 inside doing the job, another one watching the first one for his safety and one outside watching the vans.

2. Openreach Engineers are Kept in the Dark just as much if not more than Members of the Public about Roll Out Plans. Believe me, they’re not told about what’s being built when and where unless it’s them doing the Building. A lot of the time when Fibre pops up in a Village, Town or City it’s just as much as a surprise to your random Service Delivery Engineer is than it is you.

3. Openreach Engineers have this tendency to let their mouths run away in conversation over false rumours they hear down the yard. So I would take what most say with a pinch of salt.