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Message 1 of 7

BT pop up

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Does anyone know if it's possible to stop the very intrusive BT pop-up that occurs so frequently when viewing posts on this forum?

It's the one that says "Tell us what you think. After your visit, can you take a brief survey and tell us how we did?"

In the few minutes I've been on the forum today it's popped up 4 times. I've tried clicking "yes" and completing the survey and I've also clicked "no".

A few minutes later, up it pops again.

What is even more annoying is that if I am nearly at the end of reading a thread, up pops the pop-up and when I close it, it takes me back to the start of the thread I'd almost finished reading.

I'm using Firefox on Unix and the pop-up blocker is on.

Message 2 of 7

Re: BT pop up

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I completely agree! It is annoying, as you say, that closing the pop up takes you back to the beginning of a thread that you've almost got to the end of reading. Not sure if there's anything that can be done to stop it though.
Message 3 of 7

Re: BT pop up

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Log out of the forum. Clear the history and cookies from your browser. Open the forum web page and if need be log back into the forum. You will be asked to accept cookies. Do not accept them, click on Manage cookie settings and click on "Reject all" and then close the request box and continue using the forum.

Message 4 of 7

Re: BT pop up

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Hi gg30340 Sadly your suggestion did not work.

Logged out of Forum. Cleared all cookies/cache/history (selected "clear everything for all time", not just today). Got confirmation all cleared. Closed browser. Re-opened browser.

Navigated to Forum. Got the usual "do you want cookies?" pop-up. Rejected all.

Looked in Firefox's list of cookies and there were 13 from BT placed there 18 seconds ago. I deleted them and the cookie list now says zero cookies.

Opened a forum post in a new tab. Got the pop up immediately.

Looked in Firefox's list of cookies and it says zero cookies. Still get the BT pop-up, though!

Message 5 of 7

Re: BT pop up

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I never get the pop up after rejecting all cookies so sorry I can not suggest anything else.

Message 6 of 7

Re: BT pop up

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Thanks for the suggestion, though  gg30340 

I am going to try different browsers and a different OS (I'm using a Linux machine). I'll give it a go on a WIN10 PC to see if that makes any difference.


Message 7 of 7

Re: BT pop up

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Just for info. The majority of users on this forum use Windows and as a result nearly all the replies to problems are in relation to Windows, that is unless the poster has stated that they are using a different operating system or an Apple device so it may be best to state that you are using Linux should you be unfortunate enough to have any future problems.