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Message 1 of 4

Door to door speed test

Hi all, first post here. I've just now (about 7pm) had a young man and woman knock on the door - they said they work for a business that I unfortunately can't remember the name of, but I'm sure it was something along the lines of Invisaline or Invis-wifi. They said they were here about the new lines installed in the area and their company are conducting research for CityFibre and Openreach.

They told me that lots of people in my area have been complaining about poor speed (to be fair, the speeds are quite slow. I'm on FTTC and get about 9 mbps to the hub) and so they're conducting tests to find out if there's faults on the lines ect. They had me run a speed test using my My BT app, I gave them the results of the download/upload speeds and then they left. They didn't attempt to sell me anything or mention any other names or networks. 

Has anyone else had someone like this visit and know what they're doing, if they're genuine or whether I should have just turned them away at the door without giving them my speed info? I'm in Northumberland area myself. 

Message 2 of 4

Re: Door to door speed test

Its not likely that they are working for both Openreach and City Fibre, TBH  sounds quite dodgy 

Message 3 of 4

Re: Door to door speed test

Probably just door knockers collecting marketing data to sell on to Altnets so they can flog you their full fibre products. We get loads of stuff through the door from City Fibre and Virgin Media promising the earth... 

Message 4 of 4

Re: Door to door speed test


They told me that lots of people in my area have been complaining about poor speed (to be fair, the speeds are quite slow. I'm on FTTC and get about 9 mbps to the hub) and so they're conducting tests to find out if there's faults on the lines ect.

Such a strange way to generate sales, even if Openreach were the only provider, they would need info from multiple ISP's to verify this and companies simply don't share that externally, 100% a scam or a scummy company, either way avoid.