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Message 11 of 11

Re: FTTP Step 1 recovery plan

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My apologies for the confusion.  The regulars on this forum are usually very helpful and an excellent source of information.  Unfortunately, they don’t always explain the situation as thoroughly as they might.

As I understand it, and I’m just a customer same as you, way back in the day BT provided both infrastructure and services.  This is why the manhole is marked “BT”.  In fact, if you go back far enough, prior to 1982, they were originally the General Post Office and very old manhole covers are still marked “GPO”.  Times change however.  Ofcom came along and in 2017 BT were forced to split into Openreach – the company responsible for infrastructure and BT – the company responsible for services.  Something to do with avoiding monopolies.  While they are both still technically “BT Group”, which is where the confusion comes from, OFCOM rules oblige them to trade as completely separate companies.  I’m sure someone will correct me on the detail here if necessary.

This forum is BT customers helping each other.  Even with the best will in the world, no one here can answer your question because they have no connection with Openreach.  From your point of view, even more annoyingly, Openreach will not talk to you directly as you are not their customer, Vodafone is.  To find out what is going on your only recourse is to hound Vodafone, who can then ask Openreach or see if anyone on the Vodafone forum have experienced this before.  This is why people told you to refer to the Vodafone forum.  It was intended to be helpful, not dismissive.