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Message 1 of 12

Process to request new extension of fiber to New Build

OK, I have a question I have not seen an answer to yet.. I need to initiate a new requisition for a new fiber service extension to a new build home. The homes on the street all have fiber connections and my plot is the last one in the development to be connected. The home next door has fiber, connected by OpenReach and I share a lot line with them - my home will be approximately 20 meters from point where the joint property line meets the street. So it is a reasonably short extension that is needed.

How do I initiate the process ? Can someone provide a link please.


Also, the Local Building Warrant Officer is requiring a statement from the network provider that they will serve my plot. They are requiring some form of "evidence" that I can be served with gigabit broadband. That should be an easy one as it's the law now. I'm guessing it would be a simple email response from BT/OpenReach.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.

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Message 2 of 12

Re: Process to request new extension of fiber to New Build

It is Openreach that you need to contact.

See link

Building Developers and Projects | Openreach

Message 3 of 12

Re: Process to request new extension of fiber to New Build

Unfortunately, I've been down that path already, to no avail.

Each link, each option takes one to a "form" that only has alteration options available.. no "new service" option is listed in the drop-down list.  I'll just go a different route - I'll post a "complaint" and maybe I'll get different results over at OpenReach. 

Message 4 of 12

Re: Process to request new extension of fiber to New Build

try this link

normally it would be your developer who would contact openreach and arrange for fibre connection to new build home so have you asked your developer?

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Message 5 of 12

Re: Process to request new extension of fiber to New Build

Perhaps you can clarify a few things , why , if the other dwellings have Openreach FTTP , and that was provided as the buildings were under construction, why wasn’t your building dealt with in the same way, have you consulted your developer ?

The right to a Gb connection is not as straightforward as you suggest, the developer can invite a network provider to service their development, or not , many will lock out the likes of Openreach to use their own preferred supplier, this often is a supplier is linked to the developer ( Persimmon is an example ) , so the lack of Openreach ( and consequently no BT ) may not be a reason to complain , developments are private property until the local authority adopts the roads and footpaths.

The  first thing you ought to be doing is asking the developer why if your neighbours were ‘pre fitted’ with FTTP ( even if it’s not Openreach but another network ) is your property different to them

Message 6 of 12

Re: Process to request new extension of fiber to New Build

The developer's project consisted of 12 plots - most of the homes were completed 10 years ago. They all had copper lines run in BT conduits. Those conduits now have a new fiber system in them and each of the homes, in turn, have switched over to fiber. My plot is at the end - the last plot to have a home built on it (I bought the lot, will be self-build). The original home approved for my plot Planning approval lasped years ago. My plan was approved last year. It is a fully serviced lot and I assume there are conduits installed that would serve utilities to the home originally planned for the plot. There is a street light out in front of our plot (lights up) so I know electric is available. I would hope a BT conduit is also ready to serve the plot as well.


It may take some doing to get fiber to our house but I'm sure as it is serving a home 30 meters away, it could be made available for us as well. I'm just frustrated as to how to get this process started. The OpenReach website portal will not allow me to log on and there is no contact phone numbers.

Message 7 of 12

Re: Process to request new extension of fiber to New Build

I am the "developer"..  it is a self-build home, on a plot I bought from the original developer. He is no longer in the building business. He just had a single, remaining lot and he put it up for sale and we bought it. He had Planning approval to build a home on the plot, but that approval lapsed years ago. But it was part of the original development scheme so I'm reasonably sure provisions were made for utilities - in fact, a street light lights up each night out in front of this plot.

Message 8 of 12

Re: Process to request new extension of fiber to New Build

So there's not a property there yet.

Openreach won't supply fibre to an individual building site. You will need to order service from a service provider when the property is completed. That will trigger the fibre to be provided.

Message 9 of 12

Re: Process to request new extension of fiber to New Build

Message 10 of 12

Re: Process to request new extension of fiber to New Build

@Alnwick-John  In your position do not presume anything you may end up disappointed. You will have to go through the same process as  the developer 10 yrs ago did. Keith has given you a link to contact Openreach, use it.

Openreach is the company you need to provide FTTP to you property not BT so forget BT until Openreach have connected you to their network.

You can also forget that Openreach is ultimately owned by the BT Group it makes no difference. Ofcom ruled that Openreach must be run as a totally seperate business with its own board of directors or sell it off.

BT have no more control over Openreach than any other ISP, that is the reality.