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Message 1 of 9

When is support going to be better ?

Just annoyed and info for all others and BT
After contacting BT on Sunday to report an issue and explaining I was away from home but wife was there, all connect details given, then told engineers would be there in next 3 working days (aka Mon-Wed).
As no one turned up, Thursday connected BT and waited 35 mins on phone, to then be told, sorry we have software issues and can't access accounts, please try later (more than 2hrs)
So later (6hrs) tried again, after waiting on call 40 mins, gave up.

Today Friday, trying again, so far on phone hold for 35 mins and online chat 25 mins.
At no time whilst on hold originally told there were problems and no point holding.  Sure hope the same does not happen now!

But BT, if customers are having to wait more than 10/15 mins, you really need to review.

Another, reason to think about moving to another provider soon.

Message 2 of 9

Re: When is support going to be better ?

have you tried going to 'help' at top of page and then 'track my fault'

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Message 3 of 9

Re: When is support going to be better ?

You mean when are they actually going to start helping customers...

yes upto half an hour wait.

ear piercing music,

and when you do get a guide you spend half hour explaining what has happened and they still fob you off to someone else,

or you get the wrong department entirely.


totally disgusted with the company, utter joke..

Message 4 of 9

Re: When is support going to be better ?


"But BT, if customers are having to wait more than 10/15 mins, you really need to review."

Whenever I phone a company, any company, nowdays, they always seem to have a recorded message that they "are receiving a higher number of calls than normal". It doesn't seem to matter what time of day I call, it is always the same.

So, if they are always "receiving a higher number of calls than normal", maybe they should face the reality that the level of calls they are getting is the new "normal" and plan their staffing levels accordingly?




Message 5 of 9

Re: When is support going to be better ?

If you text help to 61998 you can get a call back normally within 15 minutes if not sooner. With call centres long hold times are no fun but sometimes if you need help you either need to self serve using an option such as track my fault linked above or wait till they answer

Message 6 of 9

Re: When is support going to be better ?

I agree totally they need to get their act together.
Message 7 of 9

Re: When is support going to be better ?

...but unfortunately, they won’t until there is a significant exodus of customers that can be related to dissatisfaction with their service.  It’s quite clear that the “Guides” are sales people first and foremost, not technical support. 

It’s the same story everywhere in this country since the great excuse that was Covid and, sadly, people are far too tolerant of being treated like this.  Merely complaining is just not enough to make them take notice.  People need to vote with their feet if they want to see it change.

The same applies to their prices.

Message 8 of 9

Re: When is support going to be better ?

I agree absolutely with you and Inow realise the person dealing with me was a glorified sales person and I was easily conned due to feeling stressed.

I am seriously thinking of leaving BT which saddens me after being a loyal customer gor 53years?


Message 9 of 9

Re: When is support going to be better ?

Probably when BT make 90%+ of their Call Centre Staff Redundant and replace them with AI Bots.