Message 1 of 3

Upgrade copper connection to fibre

Hi, about 8 months ago I moved to a new home in Walton-on-Thames KT***** and the only broadband option I had was BT Copper broadband 16mbps (in reality it’s nowhere near that) however, about 5 months ago I got a letter saying that the service will be upgraded to Fibre optic, 3 months later I tried to reach out but been told that this work is conducted by Openreach, then I got another letter from Openreach saying this line will be upgraded to Fibre but never happened so I contacted them and apparently no one has a clue about plans and what’s happening! Does someone know what’s happening? 
everytime I use my broadband I feel like I go back in time to 2000 as it’s pretty much like a dial up connection! Not suitable for work or even watching a YouTube video on the tv..

Thanks in advance 

[Mod edit - removed full post code. Please do not post personal details in the community]

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Message 2 of 3

Re: Upgrade copper connection to fibre

to see what is available to you can you enter your phone number or your address and post the results including the notes


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Message 3 of 3

Re: Upgrade copper connection to fibre

A random selection of addresses using your postcode shows no FTTP , so if Openreach advised you that this area was in their plans , there is no evidence that those plans have been actioned…what’s more , the majority if addresses are flats /apartments , these have complications that ‘ regular ‘ domestic dwellings don’t , such as obtaining wayleave/permission from the appropriate rights holders ( freeholder, managing  agent etc ) to ‘block wire’ the building in advance of offering availability….

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