Message 11 of 11

For a communication company, why are BT so bad

I’ve had an issue for nearly 18 months with BT and felt stuck in the middle of BT and Openreach.

I’ve had consistently been provided misinformation and multiple missed engineer visits. I’m told that I’m expecting calm backs that never come to fruition.

Has anyone else experienced this. I personally find it ironic. 

Today I’ve been told that my case has been escalated to the highest level as the complaint has been open nearly 90 days. Yet no one has fixed the problem or made it a priority.

I’ve not had internet for over a month due to a failed ‘cease and reprovide’. Again, no urgency has been applied to correct the countless errors.

I’ve been accused of being a liar, and that I’m not experiencing any issues as the computer says so, yet in my house the internet would drop out for hours on end (below 500kbps) daily.

Serious improvements need to be implemented.

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