It's under a sticky label called Digital Voice Customers Only on the back of the Smart Hub 2.
Ah, hadn't spotted that! So am I right in thinking that his old phone can just plug it there? Does it then use different technology to Digital Voice? I'm confused because no one at BT suggested this was an option - from their end they could see that the digital voice connection (whatever that is) had not been made and my efforts have been concentrated on getting that connection sorted.
A normal phone should work in that socket just fine, provided the service has been enabled.
The DV phone won't connect to the hub - That's the problem! BT say that it's because something hasn't happened at their end.
Ok, I think we've got to the nub of the problem - the service has not been 'enabled' and I can't find out why not!
if you go to hub manager can you see the phone number and is it greyed out or purple/blue?
Is anyone able to tell me how the digital voice service is 'enabled' ie turned on by BT and hence what might have been the problem in this case? My only thought is that the previous occupants of the house were using Fibre Voice Access which during one of my may conversations (in this case with a very helpful technical chap in Accrington) I learnt that BT were phasing out because it wasn't any good and were pushing out Digital Voice instead. Could it be the switch from one service to the other which is causing the problem?
are you dealing with the FTTP team 08005874787 who should help
I think we've established that the service hasn't been enabled so can anyone recommend a suitable course of action to get BT to sort this out e.g a phone number for vulnerable customers where I can actually speak to someone who can do something more than sending an email to management or logging it as an issue on the 'system'. Both of these sounded plausible at the time but after 4 weeks they haven't worked. I also registered an official complaint a couple of weeks ago but nothing's happened with that either.