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Message 1 of 10

Another Fibre 900 download post!

Hello Everyone,

After reading lots of post regarding the same issue I am having I thought I would make a post about my situation, in the hope someone can help.

I had Fibre 100 which was fine for a while, an unexpected upgrade courtesy of EE phone upgrade came in the form of the Fibre 900 being "rolled out" to my home (Thanks EE!)  since Tuesday when this was activated, i have seen only slow speeds, with both the SH2 and my own router, making little difference. 

Current setup:

FTTP terminating in kitchen cupboard (new build 2017) cat5E plugged into Huawei ONT port one end and other end in wall leading to lounge where router is located.

Router: TP-Link AX50 AX3000 Wi-Fi 6 router ( bought recently) connected right into WAN port to said wall port in lounge.

Testing on Samsung S21 plus with Wi-Fi 6 connected. Also some Lenovo laptop my Girlfriend uses with gigabit ethernet speeds ( desktop and other stuff upstairs fed from a powerline adapter into port LAN1 of router but speeds really slow due to powerline speeds so discounting these from test) Desktop on office does have a new WIFI 6 card tried, but only getting 150 upstairs. ( Will probably route some cat 6 upstairs somehow, as no ports upstairs)

I rang BT the other day who ran tests on the SH2 saying I was reaching 950Mbps to the hub. However during these tests on a laptop, that was only receiving about 350-400 over the ethernet, so Laptop- SH2-ONT-"the internet" and my only device connected was getting less than 1/2 the gibabit it should be.

I ran some other tests, using both my Phone and an ethernet connected laptop and these were the results over three runs:

Smarthub2- ONT speeds: Ethernet: 300, 340, 320. Phone: 180, 460, 430 (probably maxed out at the Wi-Fi AC limits)

TP-Link AX50- Smarthub2-ONT speeds: 140, 160, 140. Phone: 220, 240, 260

TP-Link AX50- ONT via PPOE speeds Ethernet: 160,150, 160. Phone 240, 140, 250

here is where it gets interesting:

Laptop-ONT straight out: 120, 140, 160 with no Router, just PPOE connected. 

All tests carried out within 3 foot of the router, with nothing else connected. 

Bit at a loss at the moment and would really like some advice.

Many thanks!


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Message 2 of 10

Re: Another Fibre 900 download post!

@Raveno90 wrote:

Fibre 900 being "rolled out" to my home (Thanks EE!) 



Try the EE forum.

This is the BT Retail Customer Forum.

0 Ratings
Message 3 of 10

Re: Another Fibre 900 download post!

Thanks for that, but I originally got my internet through BT 4 years ago. This was just an upgrade that they did. Does it matter?

My contract was upgrade by BT last year and EE / BT were able to upgrade the package last week. I still have the same customer number from 4 years ago. If it does, I will copy the post over there.

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Message 4 of 10

Re: Another Fibre 900 download post!


Who do you pay for your broadband connection?

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Message 5 of 10

Re: Another Fibre 900 download post!

I pay BT for my Broadband.  EE is my phone provider who I pay separately 

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Message 6 of 10

Re: Another Fibre 900 download post!

Sort of update: 

Ran some more tests using some cat6. Mild improvement. Fastest speed was 500Mbps for a second on speed test before averaging at 270 (this is also my usual average on all connections). This test was performed several times while the laptop was connected directly to the ONT via PPOE. similar speeds while connected to my router via ethernet and Wifi. 

I will contact BT in the coming days to see if I am set up on the right plan as I am not even reaching the minimum guaranteed speeds to any of my devices. 

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Message 7 of 10

Re: Another Fibre 900 download post!

What do you  get from  with a direct PPPoE ONT connection?

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Message 8 of 10

Re: Another Fibre 900 download post!

Max I. received via the cat6 cable and gigabit network port was an average of 300ish over 6 runs  

When I spoke to BT end of last week they said the Hub was getting the 900+, but I have so far not been able to get close.  Even when they ran the test the laptop was not getting more than 300. Unfortunately they were happy as the hub was getting the 900, none of which I can actually get yet.

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Message 9 of 10

Re: Another Fibre 900 download post!

What time of day are you doing the speed tests? You have to remember FTTP is a fairly heavily contended service.

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Message 10 of 10

Re: Another Fibre 900 download post!

I admit so far I have only been able to test in the afternoons and evening weekday. I have been testing early mornings when I wake, but only over wifi6 phone to my wifi6 router but nothing stable over 300.  I know that FTTP is so contested over, who wouldn't want it! 

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