Message 1 of 5

BT 8500

Good afternoon, maybe in the wrong section but here goes, I have owned a 8500 for about 5 years now and lately family / friends have complained about us taking a long time to answer a call, we called our landline from our mobiles whilst we were in the house and listened to the mobiles ringing but our LL phone only started to ring on the fourth / fifth ring, I have unplugged the phones but the problem still persists, any help / advice would be gratefully received, Regards Jim.

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Message 2 of 5

Re: BT 8500


Who provides your phone service?

Have you tried another basic phone to see if it does the same?

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Message 3 of 5

Re: BT 8500

Hi Keith, thanks for the reply, Talk Talk provide my service which I must say has been faultless, I tried your suggestion and connected an old phone and rang LL number from my mobile and it connected on the first ring, so looking like the 8500 for the first time has a minor fault somewhere in its workings, any other suggestions would be most appreciated, Regards Jim.

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Message 4 of 5

Re: BT 8500


You would be best to contact the product helpdesk for advice. Sometimes removing the power to the base unit for  a couple of minutes, can help.

Product helpdesk information

If your phone is within warranty:

By phone: 0800 145 6789

Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.30pm, Saturday 9am to 2pm

By email: Click here for email support

If your product is out of warranty contact BT's recommended agent

By phone: 0800 980 8999

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Message 5 of 5

Re: BT 8500

Will do, cheers .

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