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Message 1 of 8

BT Cloud Storage big issue

I have BT cloud storage,  I have somewhere in the region of 350GB of files I wish to download.  I have the contents of four drives saved there.  If I select the drive I want to download it downloads only the upper level folder and contents it  does not download contents of any sub directories.  This is a massive issue to me as most of my files are in sub directories.   I'm sure I'm not alone with this problem as I have read of others having the the same issue, please can someone from BT help!

Any help appreciated.


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Message 2 of 8

Re: BT Cloud Storage big issue

Hi RobD123 welcome back to the forum and sorry you are having a problem with downloading sub directories. You would be best to call and speak with the Cloud helpdesk on 0808 100 6778. They'll be able to help you further with this.



0 Ratings
Message 3 of 8

Re: BT Cloud Storage big issue

Thanks John

I'll that a go right away,

thanks, Rob

0 Ratings
Message 4 of 8

Re: BT Cloud Storage big issue

Hi tried that number and got a message "The options for this number have now changed". Followed the menu, no mention of cloud support just broadband, eventually got through to an advisor who told me I had phoned in on the wrong number. I asked for the correct number and she gave me the same number as you did to call, so basically I'm going round in circles at the moment.

I'll try again in the morning, thanks for the help, Rob

0 Ratings
Message 5 of 8

Re: BT Cloud Storage big issue

Hi @RobD123 sorry about that. I'll see if I can find out if it has been removed or changed.




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Message 6 of 8

Re: BT Cloud Storage big issue

Thanks John,


0 Ratings
Message 7 of 8

Re: BT Cloud Storage big issue


Several of us could do with that Cloud number. Many have issues and are given the same number with same result.

Moderators have been informed but still no come back.



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Message 8 of 8

Re: BT Cloud Storage big issue

Eventually found a workaround to the problem I was having, so thought I’d share it. Firstly going online to the btcloud website didn’t work for me, see my first post. I was about to give up but found a way of downloading the complete drive using the bt Cloud app, possibly it’s the correct way.
1. Select the backup tab
2. Select the restore button at the top of the page
3. Select the drive to restore, you can actually select individual files if you want
4. Navigate to where you want to store your download to
5. Select continue
It worked ok up to a point. The first drive downloaded 65GB of the 120GB but then everything grinded to a complete holt. I left it overnight but no go, so I started again. The problem with that was it didn’t resume from where it left off it started all over again and guess what same problem again, it stopped at around about the same spot. I did eventually get round the problem. I checked to see what had downloaded. Everything downloads into folders so is quite easy to find out where the download failed, just check for the first empty folder in the directory tree. Re start the download with the first empty or incomplete folder de-selected. I did that and it completed successfully. I then tried to download the folder that was causing the problem but again with the same issue, what caused it I don’t know, could be that the folder is corrupt?
I hope this helps someone in my predicament.

Rob 🙂

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