Message 281 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


That's very good and sensible news - thank you.

So, addressed to the BT monitor, can we expect a posting giving this explanation together with advice on when and what we can expect please?

Message 253 on Page 26 gives the current BT position I think. No doubt they will update when they have things to update with. And there is a flash link on the top of this page for Cloud news as well

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Message 282 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

BT Cloud is working, it is now downloading in duplicate all my music files and many others that I do not know what they are, just long series of mixed letters and numbers, this has been going on for over 24 hours now and is filling up my drive. 

How can I stop the downloads ? There is a PAUSE and RESUME but not a STOP or CANCEL on the dropdown box in the system tray - hidden folders ???

I have backed up important files and folders elsewhere, HDD, One Drive and DropBox. I have Macrium Reflect which also has File and Folder backup so will add that to the pile. Never have enough backups.

The questions only easy if you already know the answer
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Message 283 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Thank you Jules68.  There's a lot of information in your post.  And it all makes sense as to how this mess has arisen.

I have all my files on my pc but have always backed up to BT Cloud so that I don't lose everything should my pc die and is unable to be revived.   So I have just backed up the files directory on my pc to a brand new Flash Drive.  At lease now I feel 'secure'.

Before doing this, I moved my test document I created yesterday to a different folder (this is the document that was backed up to Cloud, but subsequent changes were not).  I have now logged onto BT Cloud and found that I have two copies of the document - a) the original document  b) the document with all the subsequent two changes. BUT there is no copy of the document with just the first change.   So it seems, in my case, that if you create a new document it is backed up; if you move a document to a different folder in file manager it is backed up; if you have a document that has been backed up and make a change to it there is no back up.   

I'm wondering if it's worth just working off the Flash Drive until all this is resolved and then downloading back to the pc when everything will hopefully be synced onto the Cloud.  At least I will have 'safe' current version of all docs.

0 Ratings
Message 284 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


BT Cloud is working, it is now downloading in duplicate all my music files and many others that I do not know what they are, just long series of mixed letters and numbers, this has been going on for over 24 hours now and is filling up my drive. 

How can I stop the downloads ? There is a PAUSE and RESUME but not a STOP or CANCEL on the dropdown box in the system tray - hidden folders ???

I have backed up important files and folders elsewhere, HDD, One Drive and DropBox. I have Macrium Reflect which also has File and Folder backup so will add that to the pile. Never have enough backups.

At the risk of stating the obvious, have you turned off the Download option?


Since you seem to have adequate backup elsewhere, I'd be inclined to Exit BT Cloud, having turned off the option to start it at reboot. Then wait for the dust to settle.

0 Ratings
Message 285 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Can you also pass on to the development team that, in the Dashboard, the comment 'Uploaded to Cloud X minutes, hours or days ago' is useless information. We wish to know when the file was 'last synced to Cloud x minutes ago' without having to go to the the web client itself to check.

Which I did on a test file this morning and updates to files are still not syncing. As others have advised I am backing all my files up to an external drive until this mess is sorted.

0 Ratings
Message 286 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Can we be assured that, prior to any update, we are given sufficient warning so that we can make whatever measures we feel we need to make such as system restore points, backup of our data etc?

0 Ratings
Message 287 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

@Jules68 Thank you for the comprehensive reply, it is helpful to know that they are very aware of the issues and are working hard to fix them....

BUT, with all due respect, I am a customer of BT and it is only through this forum that I have found out so much. Right now, my trust in BT is plummeting through the floor and they have a lot to do in order to restore that trust and loyalty - not just technically, but also in simply communicating!!

Why haven’t BT themselves communicated proactively to all their Cloud users about a) the necessity for the change, b) the issues that are now, seemingly, impacting every user and c) that they are fixing it!

Surely it doesn’t take too much to issue an email to all their users...... I get enough of them marketing stuff to me!!!

I consider myself relatively tech savvy..... but I  was originally feeling some anxiety about this and for those that don’t know about chat forums, or how to find them - the experience is appalling!

It’s good to know that the tech bods are reviewing these threads..... my plea.... send out a communication by email! Let everyone know it’s being worked on.

Yes..... there is a BT Cloud update link at the head of this thread, but (for me, anyway) it just takes me to message 253 of this thread which is not what is needed.

Sorry for the rant @Jules68 .... I am grateful for your update - just feel it should be coming from BT themselves!

0 Ratings
Message 288 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

I was highly sceptical that emailing the CEO was going to have any effect. I could see the email being passed down from manager to  manager like it was a hot potato, only to end up in the office junior's recycle bin. But maybe giving him a bit of a headache has had the necessary effect. Nice one SueW2.

Message 289 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

BT Screenshot 2020-12-05 123519.jpg


















Would have helped if BT had given ANY indication or a guide to the latest system, I did not see a 'preference' or upload/download schedule option on this backup page and the two folders shown are only two of many folders anyway! The option of up or download is not shown under any of the 3 tabs so how are users supposed to know? Hit and hope is a dangerous game as I know from my own (Bad) experience.

Thanks for your reply and will take up your suggestion. Exit and restart.

The questions only easy if you already know the answer
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Message 290 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Well, exited BT Cloud and rebooted the PC, waited for it to finish loading then checked the BT Cloud icon to find that Syncing had resumed ! So I paused it again as below.

You will also note that the photos being downloaded are all being duplicated. I have unticked all the folder boxes under the SYNC tab, saved it and selected the lower of the two sync options, make selected folders option not all folders.

BT Screenshot 1 2020-12-05 131226.jpg



The questions only easy if you already know the answer
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