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Message 731 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

I am beyond frustrated with this fiasco.  Firstly, I am one of the unfortunate ones that the desktop app (W10) does not work AT ALL.  Despite several attempt by the BT Tech team to help and sending several "logs" to them I am now 1 month without synching any files.  I am lucky in so far as I have other means/drives/cloud areas that I can use to not have this as my mission critical app.

I am therefore forced to used the web browser to access my files.  This is now beyond a joke as its worse than ever.  If I try and rename a folder I get an error message "error occured whilst renaming".  Next, when I upload any files they do not go into any subfolders (despite me being in that subfolder when uploading) but it puts each folder in the top level "root" folder which I then have to "move" to the area where I want them - which prouces the error "error occured when moving"  AARRGGHH

Lastly I though screw BT Cloud I will download by 800GB of data and put it elsewhere - that is a joke.  As many before me have stated you cant download any data from the subfolders - i have hundreds of folds/subfolders (old school IT support person is my excuse 🙂  for filing in this way). No way can I go into each subfolder and download the files in each subfolder - it will take years!!

So in Summary:

1.  Desktop App will not work -  it loads, logs me in then immediately shuts down

2.  Cant rename any folders via web browser

3.  Cant upload to a sub folder in web browser - it loads to man "root" folder

4.  Cant move folders to other sub folders via web broswer

5.  Cant download folders/subfolders to get at my own data.

This has been going on for a month now.  Its bad enough that the desktop app is not working but the web browser also not functioning is beyond a joke.  Its time you bought some thumb drives, loaded my data on it and posted it to me so I can stop using this terrible product.  

Despite putting in a FORMAL complaint in December, no-one has bothered to keep in touch, no emails from BT explaining the situation - just a black hole of nothingness

Wake Up BT and get back to work and sort this out now.


Message 732 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

Same for me waste of time downloading from. Web browser as well 

Stuck in. Limbo 

0 Ratings
Message 733 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

Yip I am limbo too waiting and waiting and waiting on the joke called BT Customer **bleep** service!!






0 Ratings
Message 734 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud - Selective Download


On my Back Up Preferences, Documents, Pictures and Desktop all have Selective Download and it works too.  Storage Mapping is also available. 


@GeoffSmith   wrote:

That's very useful to know! Documents, Pictures and Desktop are evidently the "Default" directories referred to in the Guide, all of which I had deleted from the Backup options. 

Having removed all my Backup options and re-entered them I do now get Selective Download on all of them ! And the radio buttons now work.

False optimism, unfortunately. For me, Selective Download doesn't survive the Save. Example :-


IF it's not meant to, that would mean having to remove a directory from the list, reselect it (to get the Selective Download option) and then execute the Download without  doing the Save. That would be so clumsy and tedious that I cannot believe that anyone would even think of designing it that way.

Which only seems to leave (a) a bug - i.e. the Selective Download should survive the Save, or (b) I've misunderstood how Selective Download is intended to work.

0 Ratings
Message 735 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud


Please read my Message 724 and Geoff's Message 725.

By the Syncing screen, I mean the first screen you see when you have clicked on the Hidden icon cloud, where there should be a green cloud to the left of the Globe icon.  See below:

JTS1  Unfortunately the cloud in my case is not green but red and says Error when hovered over. Clicking on it does nothing.  With regard to Geoff's message, I  did create a new folder which, as I said, now appears on the Preferences page. When I click on Storage Mapping that just shows a link to my Desktop in the same way as in Geoff's example

In your Message 726, you said that at least one of your settings was set to download.  Can you go back and set them all of them to upload, but remember to take a note of which ones you change, in case you want to restore them.

Now switch off and back on again and retry.


0 Ratings
Message 736 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

re Opalset msg 731......ages ago I said I'd not make any more comments here.... but after reading the loads (!) of comments about this fiasco..I have relented. I am seriously considering ditching BT altogether - this is totally unacceptable, when we pay through the nose for their services anyway...there are other providers after all...and cheaper....

You only have to read the proposed 'get outs' by various people here (which is 'laudable' of them,  I agree). But all those various 'instructions' and 'hidden icons'  'cog-wheels' god 😞

The main reason I have stayed with BT for all these years is that if you 'go' with any other then have a three-way problem re comms as BT 'own' the infrastructure through 'OpenReach' if you are with another provider you cannot speak to BT direct re any problem with your landline (for example).

But this has gone on long enough...and what on earth they were thinking of issuing an (in effect) broken update with no beta-testing(?), is beyond me.  My music colleague I have mentioned before who was a chief programmer for HSBC (and I DO NOT want any snide comments about 'he should stick to crothets and quavers' etc) tried to 'defend' all contributors/contributions/programmers on here by saying 'it is a poisoned chalice they (the contributors) have, as, all the customers etc will have different machines, OS, browsers etc etc..... I simply replied to him that 'before' the imfamous broken update...the customers and their 'equipment', were the same people?????? So...if it wasn't broke in the first place...don't fix it. I'm off to find another supplier I think. Be safe out there in these odd times  JD.

0 Ratings
Message 737 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

keep ringing BT up, keep being promised a call back by the cloud techs, never happens, BT your customer service is abysmal.

0 Ratings
Message 738 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

I did as requested. After switching back on, the tick had remained in Upload but still nothing working. One new curiosity - it is now showing that one file was uploaded yesterday (first one for over a month). It is a file I last opened and looked at in 2006.
0 Ratings
Message 739 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

I did as requested. After switching back on, the tick had remained in Upload but still nothing working. One new curiosity - it is now showing that one file was uploaded yesterday (first one for over a month). It is a file I last opened and looked at in 2006.

I know that you are concerned about the Back up, but I just realised that the Error Messages that you are getting when you try to Sync.  Can you go back to the same screen, but move from Back up to Sync and confirm back to me that your screen looks like this:

Sync or swim.jpg

0 Ratings
Message 740 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud - Selective Download

I've at last got Selective Download to "work", but the method is so convoluted that I'd have difficulty explaining it. It's even worse than I contemplated in post 734. Cannot believe most users will readily cope with the rigmarole.

I say "work" because only a test directory, with empty sub-directories has downloaded, whereas the originals each contained a jpeg. This is evidently the same server side problem that afflicts takeouts from the BT Cloud Web interface.

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