Message 851 of 1,226

Re: BTcloud

I too have observed a number of changes that have been occurring, without explanation. 
For example, a Group of Folders that I had mentioned in this Forum, were not where I had expected them to be. 
An hour or so after mentioning this in the Forum, I returned to the same area and they were visible, but moments later they disappeared again.  After quite a long search, I found them again in a totally different area, together with some additional changes.   I believe this was BT Engineers working to improve BT Cloud before its next release, so I'm reassured by what I accidently observed. 

In your own case, is your Picture folder still not Backing up?

In reply to JTS1, message 849.

Thanks for your response. The answer to your question seems to be a strange Yes and No. I checked the BT Cloud web-client this morning and the 'Last Modified' date of the subfolders under Pictures represents the last date I modified files in those directories i.e. yesterday. However when I looked into one of those folders it is clear that not all files have been backed up. I'll check the other sub-folders on the web-client to see if they too are incompletely backed up.

To overcome the problem, I hope temporarily, I have made a copy of the few sub-folders in question under my Documents folder and they get backed up from there successfully. Stranger and stranger.

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Message 852 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

My BT Cloud upgrade still doesn't "Open".
I cannot sync new photos added. Every time I log on it states I need to upgrade my version.
I have upgraded but no effect.
Has the issue been fixed ? If so how/where as I cannot find the solution.
No live chat option from bt.com either on this product.
Any help appreciated ?

0 Ratings
Message 853 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


My BT Cloud upgrade still doesn't "Open".
I cannot sync new photos added. Every time I log on it states I need to upgrade my version.
I have upgraded but no effect.
Has the issue been fixed ? If so how/where as I cannot find the solution.
No live chat option from bt.com either on this product.
Any help appreciated ?

Hi Andy, to check if you have up graded correctly, RIGHT click on your DECKTOP BT Cloud icon and look at its Properties.  The Properties should show where you Start In is the Version 20.6.1.  If this is the case, please tell me and I will attempt to guide you further.

0 Ratings
Message 854 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


I bear good news!

Having been sent a trial version of the BT Cloud desktop app before Christmas (which didn't work, crashing instantly) and then providing BT with extensive logs from that, the BT Cloud rep emailed me yesterday with what appears to be a beta of the soon to be issued 2021 BT Cloud Desktop app: V21.1.1

The good news is that it didn't crash immediately anymore.  It did seem to be stuck on the metadata message for a long time.  However I left the PC running overnight and by this morning it had progressed and was requesting that I select the folders I wanted to backup.  I selected the same folders as previously and it then proceeded to sync all of my files correctly.  This took a couple of hours, but now seems to be complete!  😁

The not so good news is that there are still a couple of fairly minor bugs.  I won't go into detail here as I want to report them to the BT rep so that they have a chance to fix them before the 2021 version is issued, together with the bugs I have already reported on the server side software.

However it does look like some significant progress is being made and a 2021 issue of BTCloud should be released soon.

Message 855 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


I also got the update and left it running overnight, as far as I am aware it has worked. So the acid test is coming as I shut down my laptop about an hour and a half ago so the big question will it be OK on the restart?



0 Ratings
Message 856 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start



I also got the update and left it running overnight, as far as I am aware it has worked. So the acid test is coming as I shut down my laptop about an hour and a half ago so the big question will it be OK on the restart?

That seems to be OK here.  The app restarts on each boot-up (unless manually disabled, for example in Task Manager).

Please, check the historical versions of files using the web interface.

What I see is that files which have not been updated by the new app retain their full version history - in some cases over 20 versions of some files are on the Cloud.  However, any files which have been updated by the new version ONLY retain the new version: historical versions of the file created be earlier issues of the app are deleted.

I have done some tests which show that the new app issue seems to retain historical file versions it has created itself, but not those created by previous issues.  Also, only 4 file versions (current + 3 historical) are now retained in the backup, rather than the unlimited versions of earlier issues.

This isn't a major issue for me, but I can see it being a concern for some users.

Perhaps it just needs a warning that the historical file versions will be lost and should be recovered from the cloud before installing the app update and that only the most recent 4 file edits will be retained in future.

0 Ratings
Message 857 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start


All seems fine at my end. I spend most of the trying to get an issue sorted with Barclaycard as I was unable print off a monthly statement. They started off blaming a Microsoft Edge update as being the cause. They told me use Google Chrome so it was downloaded and installed and guess what I had the same error page when I tried to open a statement. So second call back to tell tell them the same statement error appeared when I logged into my apple ipad and using their app on my android phone. They now accept they have a problem !!!! Only took the best part of 4 hours !!!! Argh technology is great when it works!!!!!



0 Ratings
Message 858 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Hi John. I have now followed all your instructions in message 819. It was an interesting exercise deleting all those files. I am afraid, however, it had no effect on BT Cloud. No items appeared in Bt Cloud client, in fact there were no changes whatsoever in BT Cloud client. In ALL My Files, it still shows the last modification as occurring on 8th January, which was the last time I added some files. However, it obviously had some impact because when I opened BT Cloud client  a message popped up saying in effect that it could not back up some files because their location had been changed. But of course it has not in any event been backing them up since 1st December. And I am still getting the error messages when I log on and repeated regularly all day. The little white cloud still says Unexplained Error and the red cloud is still there. It is clear that no back up or syncing is taking place.

One other thing to report. You will remember that I told you about the list of items that have appeared in the box that appears when I click on the white cloud in hidden icons, which changed after BT Cloud stopped working. I mentioned that these were all files held under a TomTom folder on my PC. I decided to uninstall the TomTom programme as it is no use to me any more. The next day, when I clicked on the white cloud, the list of items had changed. A new list had appeared which I discovered were still in a TomTom folder which the uninstall operation had not removed. Again these were items not touched for over 10 years. I have now deleted that folder as well, But although I have subsequently shut down and re-opened the PC more than once (one was to complete your exercise) the items are still listed. But if I click on them in the box, the box just closes.

I think I have to wait for this new BT upgrade which others have mentioned.

0 Ratings
Message 859 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start



All seems fine at my end.

 Interesting.  So is the new app retaining unlimited historic file versions on your cloud allocation?

Once I had initially noticed the missing historic file versions, here is the test I did to check what was happening.

I began by creating a simple test.txt file using Notepad which just contained the date and time in text format and then saved it in a backup location on the PC (in my case the "Documents" folder). I then checked that the file appeared in that location on the cloud using the web interface under the All My Files layout and previewed it as a pdf.  This demonstrated that the App had backed it up correctly, and showed the day and time of the last upload.

I then edited the file with new time and date text and saved it again on my PC.  A few minutes later, the App had updated this latest file version on the cloud and I could see it using the web interface under All My Files.  Clicking on the three dots that appear to the right of the file when the mouse hovers over the filename brings up a list containing Share/Favourite/Download/Preview Document/Delete/Versions/Tags/Rename, and clicking Versions showed two versions of the file: the latest and the previous version.  So far, so good.

I then repeated the file edit a few times and checked the file versions history using the web interface as before.  After 3 edits I can see 4 versions of the file on the cloud.  However, after 4 or more edits, only the most recent 4 edits remain.  The oldest version is deleted every time.

By contrast, and also a control, if I look at some older files in the cloud using the web interface (for example some documents I wrote a few years ago) I can see a dozen or more historical versions, not just the last 4 edits.

0 Ratings
Message 860 of 1,226

Re: BT Cloud Won't Start

Will investigate more, kind of lost the will to live with IT at the moment following my episode with Barclaycard today.

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