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Message 1 of 2

BT Cloud client for Linux

I've see several posts and seen that BT has no interest in creating a Linux client but I believe it will be beneficial because like myself there are many other that don't have a Mac or Windows and run purely of Linux.

I know I can manually upload 1 file at the time via the browser but that is not the point. I would like to know if there is a formal place to request a Linux client, no need to be GUI a CLI will do.

Or support webDav and I'll be happy to write my own Linux app 😁.

Anyway kudos here to support me on requesting a Linux client or enable webdav.  

Message 2 of 2

Re: BT Cloud client for Linux

I second this. There cant be that big a leap from Mac to Linux and the requests for this going back almost a decade!

....the irony of BT using Canonical Ubuntu for their 5G roll-out is not lost!

bt turns to canonical ubuntu to enable next generation 5g cloud core 

also, why isn't there an API, SFTP or other direct upload available?