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BT Error Codes - Feedback appreciated


Hayley from the Get Help team over in BT Digital again.

Some of you who have either BT TV or BT Sport may have encountered a time when you had a technical problem and received an error code advising you to check online for support.

Currently we have 12 different error code pages for BT TV and BT Sport, depending on how you are watching (TV/App/Computer etc).  We were confident that if we could amalgamate all 12 pages into 1 single page we would be able to provide a better digital experience for our customers, removing uncertainty around which page they should be looking at for help.

We sat up a test to direct 50% of our traffic to our solution so we could compare the data.  The content on the new page is identical to the existing 12 pages.

The results have been a little surprising in that customers who are ending up on the new page are then proceeding to call into the contact centres more than those who land on one of the existing 12 pages.

I would appreciate if any of you can take a look at the 2 different solutions (on mobile also) and then provide your feedback, specifically if you notice anything on the new solution that would make you wish to pick up the phone more.


Journey A link (1 of the 12 pages) -  

Journey B link -


Use error code ID004


Thanks in advance 🙂

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