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Message 1 of 3

BT Fibre 900 Upgrade / Smart Hub 2 upload throttling

Hi team.

This is my first post here and I am hoping that somebody may be able to help me.

My firmware was updated on the 24/09/20 and now my upload speed has dropped. Before the upgrade I was getting 920mb down and 120mb up I am now getting 920mb down but only 50mb up when using the Smart Hub 2. If I connect a netgear router I can get 920mb down and 120mb up.

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Message 2 of 3

Re: BT Fibre 900 Upgrade / Smart Hub 2 upload throttling

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Message 3 of 3

Re: BT Fibre 900 Upgrade / Smart Hub 2 upload throttling


Hi mate, BT do not throttle any packages and have it in their terms to read.

The upload problem you are experiencing is quite common among the 910 / 110 package users and is confirmed it's the supplied Smart Hub 2 that is the problem.

You need to contact a Moderator on this forum to "Hopefully" get a fix until BT release a newer version of their hub with a permanent fix.

Alternately do as others have done to get a permanent fix and purchase a quality router (WiFi 6 enabled) and make use of the package you are paying for.

I know users shouldn't have to buy their own router but its a 100% fix.

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