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Message 1 of 28

BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

Sorry if this is in the wrong category. I am wondering if anyone could help me.

I currently have Fibre Broadband (VDSL) with the Homehub 6 (HH6). I am looking to use the TP-LINK ER605 Dual WAN router.

I can't use the HH6 as it can't go in Bridge mode, So I've replaced it with an EchoLife HG612 (3B) Modem and connected that to the WAN port on the ER605.

I've then gone to WAN settings and selected PPPoE

Pass: bt

vLan id: 101

However, I get PADI timeout error and it doesn't connect. (I've tried also entering in the Primary and Secondary DNS)

Am I doing something wrong? Is what I am trying to do even possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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Message 2 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

The settings are correct.

What leds are lit on the HG612 and which port have you connected the TP Link to?

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Message 3 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

LEDS Lit are Power , DSL and LAN1

HG612 is connected to the TP-Link via the first WAN Port and then PC is connected to the LAN 5 port on TP-Link (So I can access to modify settings)



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Message 4 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

If the LAN1 LED is solid and not blinking, there is no data being transmitted from the TP Link. It sounds like a possible configuration problem with the TP Link. Do you have to specify which of the ports is actually being used as the WAN input? Might be worth asking on the TP Link forum.

Is the HG612 locked or is it unlocked so that you can access it to get a better idea of what is happening.

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Message 5 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

It should be unlocked, however, saying that I can't seem to access it.

Yes, Each port I can select to be WAN or LAN - At the moment I am only using 1 as WAN and that's the one I am connecting to and configuring.

Thanks, I'll check out the TP-LINK forums. See if they can help me. At least I know the BT settings are correct. 🙂

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Message 6 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

You access the HG612 on LAN port2 on

Message 7 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

Thats what I've been trying and its not finding anything. Even holding down reset button...still nothing

Does that mean its locked? Or Broken??

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Message 8 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

Could be either, but possibly locked.

You could try creating a direct PPPoE connection with your laptop connected to LAN port 1 to rule out the TP Link and to possibly verify if the HG612 is actually working.

Message 9 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

Connection failed with error 651


Thats LAN Port 1 to a laptop - set up a new connection (PPPoE) - I only put in Username and password.


That worked! I didn't forget to plug in the RJ11 honest....

Looks like an issue with the TP-Link. Thanks for your help at least I know its not the BT side of things.

Thanks again


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Message 10 of 28

Re: BT Fibre connection with HG612 and TP-LINK ER605

Hmm, not looking promising for the HG612

You could try the 30-30-30 reset.

When router is powered on, press the reset button and hold for 30 seconds. (Use a paper clip or something sharp)

While holding the reset button pressed, unplug the power of the router and hold the reset button for 30 seconds

While still holding the reset button down, turn on the power to the unit again and hold for another 30 seconds.


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