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Message 1 of 10

BT IPv6 DNS settings for Huawei AX3 WiFi 6+ Router?

I have BT FTTP 900 into my home.

I have recently elected to replace my BT issued hub, with three Huawei AX3 WiFi 6+ Routers, to form a mesh network.

All is working fine once I put the relevant BT username into my new Router settings, and made sure to use the existing supplied BT ethernet cable for WAN, bt with just one single exception...


I have enabled it in my router settings, and left well enough alone in terms of any changes etc, but in doing so, I pass 9 out of 10 of the ipv6 test site tests, but fail on:

"Your DNS server (possibly run by your ISP) appears to have no access to the IPv6 Internet, or is not configured to use it."

I have attached a screenshot of the test result screen for more info.

Based on my router's strange settings options for IPv6 DNS, can anyone tell me what values/figures I need to enter into the boxes I have highlighted in green on the attached screenshot of my specific router setup page?

For info, if I change the addressing type from SLAAC to DHCPV6 it all fails completely and I lose near ALL network access entirely, so it looks like  NEED to keep this set to SLAAC. 
And if I keep it at SLAAC, the DNS Access box cannot be changed from Automatic - it is effectively greyed out.  It is only the settings further down, in the LAN section that can be changed.

Can anyone help me with what settings I therefore need to enter, for BT IPv6 DNS servers, in the format my router setup page needs them in, as per screenshot?

Thanks in advance anyone!

ipv6 test results.jpg


ipv6 Router page.jpg

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Message 2 of 10

Re: BT IPv6 DNS settings for Huawei AX3 WiFi 6+ Router?

BT don't have IPv6 DNS servers, they use the IPv4 servers that issue both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If you want to use IPv6 DNS servers, just use Google DNS servers or any DNS server.

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Message 3 of 10

Re: BT IPv6 DNS settings for Huawei AX3 WiFi 6+ Router?

Thanks - but I have tried entering them into the Primary and Secondary fields already, to no avail - as it obviously all needs to fit together along with Prefix settings etc, which I do not understand/cannot work out the format for etc.  I have even tried the OpenDNS ones, to no avail.

That's not to say they don't work - I just don't understand what format, and what settings, I need to enter them into in the way my router requires them, as per settings page screenshot attached.

I've spent ages yesterday, and again today, trying, and every time I put them in, it fails based on something else on the page it doesn't like.

I enter "2001:4860:4860::8888" for the primary, and "2001:4860:4860::8844", and my Router, when I try and Save, then tells me something akin to "Format: 2001::1
or 3001:2252:0:xxxx:0:xxxx:0:1101" (changed/redacted slightly here in case this is unique to my device etc)

Either that, or I am going wrong with the "Prefix" part etc. and it's actually picking up on something in there that it doesn't like - or isn't correct to go along with it?

So harking back to my original post, can you advise what I actually need to put in the various boxes, or which options I need to enable/change, specific to my router requirements in the screenshot I attached - as this is where I keep falling down with it.

Thanks for your reply too mate - appreciate it!



ipv6 Router page.jpg

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Message 4 of 10

Re: BT IPv6 DNS settings for Huawei AX3 WiFi 6+ Router?

Can you change the DHCP server setting in the LAN configuration to automatic rather than manual?


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Message 5 of 10

Re: BT IPv6 DNS settings for Huawei AX3 WiFi 6+ Router?

Automatic is what it is set at currently/out of the box, and is what results in the 9 out of 10 result above.

If left alone, this page looks like the screenshot below - resulting in passing 9 out of the 10 tests, but failing on the "Your DNS server (possibly run by your ISP) appears to have no access to the IPv6 Internet, or is not configured to use it." bit.








I can click "Manual" on either of the two options in the Lan Settings section below however, and if I do, it expands to open up the following two sets of options (i.e. I can open up one, or the other, or both, as necessary, by switching them from Automatic, to Manual.  I therefore just need to work out which options I need to make Automatic or Manual, and which values, prefixes, etc etc, i need to enter, into each field or box highlighted in Green (I can change the other values already filled in too, if necessary, but the green highlighted bits are empty):



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Message 6 of 10

Re: BT IPv6 DNS settings for Huawei AX3 WiFi 6+ Router?

I'm not sure what prefix you need to enter, that is normally automatically taken care of. Try changing the prefix length to 56


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Message 7 of 10

Re: BT IPv6 DNS settings for Huawei AX3 WiFi 6+ Router?

Alas, no change/no success.


Thereby hangs my issue - my router requires information, that otherwise wouldn't be needed to be supplied, it seems.


So unless I can establish the specific settings I need, unique to my model of router/settings page, I can't get it to work sadly.


Thanks for all your efforts too mate - it's been appreciated.

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Message 8 of 10

Re: BT IPv6 DNS settings for Huawei AX3 WiFi 6+ Router?

Its not the end of the world, IPv6 is working, you are just using IPv4 for DNS lookups. You will still be served IPv6 addresses.

If you can access then you are connecting via IPv6 as it is an IPv6 only site.

Message 9 of 10

Re: BT IPv6 DNS settings for Huawei AX3 WiFi 6+ Router?

You sent me that deliberately because you KNEW I'd while away time trying to do the puzzles! *lol*

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Message 10 of 10

Re: BT IPv6 DNS settings for Huawei AX3 WiFi 6+ Router?
