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Message 1 of 2

BT TV App- watching live tv

I  am sure others have the same frustration.  In the old Youview app, you would open it and it wouls go straight to tv guide, where if you press a catch up show say- last nights Eastenders in the guide, it would open the iplayer and play it. 

With the BT tv app the home page is full of Recommending and tending, you click on Live tv and again you get Entertainment / Sport etc, before you have to click on Full Listings. from there there is no factility to watch catchup tv. 

Also when are BT going to provide a function to watch your recorded TV through their App. 

Also recently I have been watching tv at a friends using a SKY box, being able to download a tv programme that you missed to record, or you want to watch a programme from the beginning that has already started are 2 great functions. Any plans for BT to add these functions to there box?   

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Message 2 of 2

Re: BT TV App- watching live tv

All commonly requested features @Bloodyhippy .

Linking directly to other apps for catch-up programmes requires permission from those app providers to link to them. We couldn't get permission from the major providers, so the feature isn't available in the BT TV app.

Watching recordings in the app from your box has to be the most commonly requested feature since we launched the app. The YouView boxes aren't capable of sharing recordings with other devices, and even if they were, there are legal issues with providing copies of content like that.  Channel providers would prefer that you use their apps to watch catch-up content so that they can get the advertising revenue from it, so they don't give us permission. Even for the other apps you've mentioned, not all recordings can be downloaded/watched offline - it depends on the rights for the content in question.

Watching a programme from the start is already available on some channels - this feature is provided by the channel providers themselves. There are no plans to introduce this as a feature of the YouView box, as it comes with the same legal restrictions for storing/copying/streaming content.

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