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Message 251 of 433

Re: BT TV Box Pro - comments/questions

Many thanks for the swift response! So any of the Humax boxes? Is there a model in particular that anyone is using?

Many thanks again.
0 Ratings
Message 252 of 433

Re: BT TV Box Pro - comments/questions

Its nearest sibling would be the Humax DTR-T4000

Message 253 of 433

Re: BT TV Box Pro - comments/questions

Great stuff, that's listed so I've added it to my devices. Thanks for your time.
0 Ratings
Message 254 of 433

Re: BT TV Box Pro - comments/questions

I use a harmony elite with this box and all works fine (didnt change it from the old box which was a T4000)

0 Ratings
Message 255 of 433

Re: BT TV Box Pro - comments/questions

Anyone know the difference between the original and the Type B Pro Box?
0 Ratings
Message 256 of 433

Re: BT TV Box Pro - comments/questions

Hi JohnAP..

I wasn't aware of a BT TV Pro set top box typeB.

Along with others, I have a Pro box with poorly implemented Surround Sound. (ie stereo transmissions from the likes of the BBC normally have surround sound information embedded in the stereo signal so that AV receivers can produce a pseudo surround effect. Irritatingly, the new BT TV Pro set top box seems to purge that information out so AV amps never receive it)

I've been waiting for a software update, but perhaps all the bugs have been addressed and some fixes encapsulated into a second version of the Pro Box! If so, I'll be on to BT straight away to get mine changed.

Do you have any more information about the Type B box?

Regards HS6

0 Ratings
Message 257 of 433

Re: BT TV Box Pro - comments/questions

BT sometimes use a dual-supplier arrangement with hardware suppliers.  e.g. BT Hubs have a type A and type B, with each one being identical in spec but manufactured by a different company (and different implementations of the firmware - but functionally identical).

This is NOT the case with set top boxes - they have historically always been provided by Humax, but now this new box is from Sagemcom.  There is no Type B set top box - Pro or otherwise.

If ever a Type B was made for any set top box, it would be required to have complete feature parity with the existing box.

Message 258 of 433

Re: BT TV Box Pro - comments/questions

Thank you for this information DarrenDev.

I didn't know the new BT TV Pro set top box was made by Sagemcom. I assume they developed the firmware coding as well?

In which case, perhaps I should complain directly to Sagemcom about the terrible surround sound implementation. If nothing else, it might raise the noise level and increase focus on this issue.

Maybe these third party developers like Sagemcom never receive feedback from BT or from forums like this so remain oblivious.

Regards HS6

0 Ratings
Message 259 of 433

Re: BT TV Box Pro - comments/questions

The surround sound issues have already been discussed on this forum (in this thread I believe). It was a conscious decision to be implemented as it is, so isn't considered a bug. I think everyone agrees that it was a poor decision, but it's going to stay like that for a while I'm afraid.
0 Ratings
Message 260 of 433

Re: BT TV Box Pro - comments/questions

DarrenDev,  the label on the bottom of the Pro (and on the brown box it came in) says

Item Code: 097445

BT TV Box Pro

Model Name: RTIW387



I've seen others that otherwise have the same label but without the TYPE B. I'm aware of the situation with hubs and I wasn't suggesting it was made by a different manufacturer (the device info screen still says Sagemcom) or designed to a different spec. It could be something completely irrelevant to its operation. I was just interested if anyone had any information on what Type B on the label signified. I can post a photo if you really don't believe me but hopefully that's not necessary.


Probably unrelated but on installation the box updated itself to a software version slightly later than listed on the YouView site (component software 4.0.158 vs 4.0.116 ). Seems minor but is there any info on this as I can't find anything posted unlike for earlier releases. Thanks



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