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Message 1 of 3

BT Virus Protect Software Updates never completes


I keep having problems with the Software update of BT Virus Protect. It has been at 0% for days. I had this problem about 1 month ago  and uninstalled (with great difficulty - as in having to download from McAfee to remove it properly) and then reinstalled and then that software update worked.

I really DO NOT want to have to go through that everytime the software needs to update.

Is anyone else having this problem. Is there another way to solve without uninstall?

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Message 2 of 3

Re: BT Virus Protect Software Updates never completes

On top of the new problem where updates keep failing, I noticed the update were incomplete each time an update happened.

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Message 3 of 3

Re: BT Virus Protect Software Updates never completes

Try doing the full uninstall again starting with the standard uninstaller, then the MCPR tool and restrat your machine.

Then download and install the free version of ccleaner from and run the registry tool cleaning anything it finds, you may have to run several times one after the other.
You will be asked if you want to backup the registry each time before the changes are applied, I always answer Yes just to be on the safe side.

Restart your machine only when the registry is clean and try re-installing BT Protect.


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