Message 1 of 6

BT a shining example?

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What  is the best laugh of the week?

I spent a fair while last week on trying to reset a password, as was advised by Mcafee that my info was found in a security scan! Next day kept getting blocked from BT mail with the old "WRONG USER NAME OR PASSWORD". Eventually tired of this, I was stupid enough to make matters far worse. I decided to set up another mail page, but was doomed to failure!

Having chosen a new mail address I tried to log-in, however this was not possible due to the requirement to initialise from a mail link. Clever old BT has sent the activation code to the NEW mail address which is inaccessible due to my inability to open link.  CATCH 22 situation accomplished, Well done BT! Now gone back to safe territory, ie. Good old Gmail. At least online security is better than BT, as I am regularly bombarded with phone calls purporting to be from BT stating that my Internet is to be CUT OFF!

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Message 2 of 6

Re: BT a shining example?

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Are you absolutely certain it was McAfee that your details were found during a scan? I suspect some other nasty has outwitted you. Were you requested to click on a link by any chance?

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Message 3 of 6

Re: BT a shining example?

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No Link, just advised by McAfee to change password as a precaution. I trust McAfee as have been protected for 6-7 years, not taking the risk.

Password/personal data prompts have also been more prevalent since my return to BT I have noted. Also concerned about the random threats via phone calls. These are  sporadic and always from fresh numbers! Probably from overseas.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: BT a shining example?

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What method were you using to change your password?

The easiest way is to log onto your email account then click on your username at the top right and go to "Account Info". Click on that then click on "Change My Password" and follow the prompts.

When you set up the new email account did you follow the procedure as per the following link and sub link.

How do I create and activate a new BT Email address? | BT Help

If you are keeping the email account for your self and not gifting the email account to another person you should be able to access the email account via your MyBT. This would then allow you to activate it.

To do that you log onto your MyBT then go to Your Products > Mail Manage. You should see all the email accounts that you have created and what their status is.

You can then go to your "Favourite" mailbox and click on your username at the top right. Select "Switch Account"  and select the account you wish to access.

As regards the scam calls you get. This has nothing what so ever to do with BT. I know many people who do not have BT Broadband and the receive these calls. The scammers are working on the theory that BT being the biggest ISP in the UK they are bound to get somebody who is a BT customer.


Message 5 of 6

Re: BT a shining example?

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Eventually sorted by BTs live online help. Mind you it took the techie an hour or so! to sort it out!
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Message 6 of 6

Re: BT a shining example?

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Hi @outwittedbytech,

Thank you for posting back to update the thread.



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