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Message 11 of 37

Re: Broadband speed just suddenly almost halved.

Thanks for that - something must have happened to my line as it is significantly worse than when I was first transferred to VDSL. Even my old ADSL speedtest showed a 5.4 Mbps download speed.  Here's another 5.2Mbps Ookla one from 2017:

I don't think I ever got below 5Mbps, now it's often around 2.5Mbps, i.e. about half what it used to be. Here's another BTW speedtest I've just taken -








This time it's below the 'Stayfast'  2Mbps 'guaranteed' speed.. It's neither 'Fast' nor does it stay that way..

Perhaps I was transferred to a different pair when the line was severed further up the road from me. Then again, perhaps I should have rejected to move to VDSL2, but hindsight is a wonderful thing and I suppose the upload speed increase is helpful if like me you use cloud storage...

Oh well, thanks for listening..

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Message 12 of 37

Re: Broadband speed just suddenly almost halved.

Reading around it appears to be a well documented, (albeit unadmitted), practice for Openreach to throttle services by 50% where there is insufficient exchange capacity. I can only assume that this has happened in this case. So, I've now only got 50% of what was a crappy 5mbps service before and I'm stuffed as the speed is hovering just above the 2mbps lower end of the "acceptable range", although it does keep dipping below even that, (as above).. Funny my monthly payment hasn't halved, though.. It's about time the government took action in the sort of monopoly situation we are stuck with. I  can't even get a reliable mobile signal on 4G without chopping down all the trees surrounding me..

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Message 13 of 37

Re: Broadband speed just suddenly almost halved.

openreach do not throttled your connection contrary what you think you have read.  your current problem is first due to distance from street cabinet and second a very unstable line causing the DLM to take action resulting in a lowering of your speed to try and stabilise your line.  until you can get a stable connection with no line noise your connection speed is not going to improve

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Message 14 of 37

Re: Broadband speed just suddenly almost halved.

You must admit - in view of the following post, it is difficult to know what to believe, but my speed almost exactly halved at some point in the last few months on my line & BT don't want to know:


"Because you are a BT Business user you have a better SLA hence your compensation. 
It is a well known on this forum that Openreach throttle when there is a capacity issue.  When this happens it is usually resolved very quickly by extra capacity being added but has already been pointed out and in answer to your threads title, BT do not throttle connections."

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Message 15 of 37

Re: Broadband speed just suddenly almost halved.

Total nonsense.

Message 16 of 37

Re: Broadband speed just suddenly almost halved.

Would you care to elaborate?

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Message 17 of 37

Re: Broadband speed just suddenly almost halved.

Openreach do not throttle connections, regardless of what nonsense you found posted somewhere.

Message 18 of 37

Re: Broadband speed just suddenly almost halved.

Before it was mysteriously edited to remove the original poster's name you would have seen that copied post above was a post from this forum from another "distinguished sage" on the same topic, hence my comment about not knowing what to believe.

My point is simple - on 11th. June 2020 I was transferred to VDSL2, (line length to Woodchurch Kent cabinet 2 cabinet 1.5km),  from ADSL2, (line length to Woodchurch exchange c.3.8km). Before I was transferred I took a few ookla speed tests which were all in excess of 5mbps as they had been for years. Now my latest ookla line test is 1.95 Mbps/0.81Mbps, (below the 2 Mbps & 1 Mbps minimum speed guarantee on both downstream and upstream), as follows:

Perhaps I was a little generous in saying it had only halved.. So, do I have a line fault? or is VDSL2 just that bad?

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Message 19 of 37

Re: Broadband speed just suddenly almost halved.

Typo alert - the line length of 1.5 kM to woodchurch cabinet 2 above should be 2.5km (vs 3.8km to exchange)

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Message 20 of 37

Re: Broadband speed just suddenly almost halved.


the graph shows the speed drop off over distance from cabinet.  unless you can trace your connection from cabinet to home you  have no idea how long the line is as it very seldom runs in a straight line when underground

you are also confusing your connection speed with your download/throughput speed    your download speed may be lower at peak time due to congestion but congestion will not affect your connection speed

you need to look at you internal connections first and make sure the instability of your line is not the result of something in your home

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