Message 1 of 2

Bt Whole Home Premium

Wise after the event but still reluctant to give up!

Old House,majorly thick walls so need to improve wifi. The BT WHP 3 node system seemed to fit my needs. Initial installation was easy and in less than an hour up and running. It stayed that way for 10 days then problems began. 1st casualty was the smart TV which began to freeze.  Then the mobile phone. 

What I  found was that the Old wifi had taken over again. Resetting everything restored the WHP but only for a few minutes when it disconnected again. To my surprise it restored itself after about 15 minutes but the began to irregularly switch between the  old and new wifi.

Eventually BT support decided the units were defective and suggested I returned them. I have done so but am unconvinced that there is not a different problem. The main router is BT.

Any thoughts? I still need to improve the wifi and despite the experience still feel that the BT system should meet my needs.

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Message 2 of 2

Re: Bt Whole Home Premium

When you say the old wi-fi takes over, do you mean that you still have wi-fi turned on from the router ? If so, this needs to be turned off as it's not meshed with the WHP discs and you might lose the signal as you move around the property.

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