Message 1 of 6

Change of landline number

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Order complaint - Order tracking

Created on
24 Feb 2021 at 10:23
Complaint reference
Been asked to edit this out and account number 
Phone number
Opening description
I manage my daughter’s account, because she has difficulty using phone, and only needs the phone for broadband.  We requested a change in landline number due to her receiving scam and nuisance calls. Order raised 17022021, and said completed on 19022021. It isn’t. She used online chat to tell you this week but it still isn?t changed. The old number was 01792xxxx42, and the new number should be 01792xxxx94.
The above complaint is pasted from the online BT complaint page which states it’s raised but nothing is happening. Please can you help?
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Message 2 of 6

Re: Change of landline number

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Please edit out your account number and complaint reference, as this is a PUBLIC forum.

You have one hour after your initial post, to edit it.

This is just a customer to customer help forum, everyone here, including myself, are just customers.

The only BT Employees are the forum moderators.

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Message 3 of 6

Re: Change of landline number

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Thank you for editing your post. Its possible a moderator may help, however changing the phone number is unlikely to stop scam calls, and may in fact make them worse.

Scam callers just use random numbers, and the new number may have been subject to more calls in the past, so you would have to see if it makes any difference, unless its someone calling who knows the person.

The most effective solution is a call blocking phone, like the BT4600.

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Message 4 of 6

Re: Change of landline number

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Hi @ED22 

Thanks for your posts and welcome back!

I'm sorry for the problems you're having changing your Daughter's phone number.  I'm going to be honest and say I'm surprised that there has been a delay as the process to change the number is straightforward.

Can you call my colleagues in the helpdesk for an update on 0800 800 150?  Post back and let me know how you get on chatting with them.  If you're still having problems we'll be about to lend a hand.




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Message 5 of 6

Re: Change of landline number

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Hi @RobbieMac 

Took your advice and rang 150, they activated the new number and it’s live now. Thanks 

Message 6 of 6

Re: Change of landline number

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@ED22 wrote:

Hi @RobbieMac 

Took your advice and rang 150, they activated the new number and it’s live now. Thanks 

That's great @ED22 

I'm pleased to see that my colleagues in the helpdesk have been able to get this resolved for you 😁

