Message 1 of 8

Customer Service


Is there a telephone number for contacting customer services which gets answered?
We have now had no internet access for 3 weeks and there is no answer to any phone number I have found on the BT website. I have just been on hold indefinitely. 

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Message 2 of 8

Re: Customer Service

the standard CS number is 150 or 0800800150 from mobile

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Message 3 of 8

Re: Customer Service

yes. That number seems to just ring out on hold indefinitely (I have been trying to get through for the last 3 hours). The online complaints form does not work and the online chat box says there are no advisers. 

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Message 4 of 8

Re: Customer Service

@tomseear wrote:

yes. That number seems to just ring out on hold indefinitely (I have been trying to get through for the last 3 hours). The online complaints form does not work and the online chat box says there are no advisers. 

Is your phone line working?

If that is not working, then its unlikely that broadband will work, so it would be the phone line fault you need to report.

When did you first report the fault, as its been faulty for that long?

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Message 5 of 8

Re: Customer Service

The fault in question is with fibre.
I'm trying to call on a mobile. 

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Message 6 of 8

Re: Customer Service

Fault was first reported on the 1st October.

A couple of engineers have come out but said they weren't qualified to fix the issue and left. 

We are now into our 3rd week of having no internet connection with no update on when the issue will be fixed. On the few occasions your customer services number gets answered I just get passed around to different departments with no resolution.

We have a minihub which is not fit for purpose. I have now lost my work contract as a result of this and there is only so much longer my partners employer will be sympathetic.

There appears to be zero work going into fixing this fault and we have just been left with no connection for the foreseeable during a pandemic where everybody is expected to work remotely.

Do I need to change provider to get our connection back? Is there a way of complaining to someone higher up the management structure to get something done?

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Message 7 of 8

Re: Customer Service

If its taking that long, then Openreach must have an external fault which is taking longer than usual to fix. You should be able to get an update on the fault by logging into MyBT and tracking it.

Openreach provide the network for most other providers, so changing provider would not help, and you may lose your fibre connection if the cabinet is full.

I assume this is a normal copper fibre connection (FTTC), and not a direct fibre into the house (FTTP)?


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Message 8 of 8

Re: Customer Service

Hi @tomseear,

Thank you for posting. I'm sorry you've been left without a Broadband connection. I'd like to take a look at what is happening with the fault. Please could you send me your details?

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