Message 1 of 9

Decor 2200 won't display caller's name

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I just bought a BT Decor 2200 phone, specifically for the Caller Identification which my old phone didn't have.  It correctly displays the caller's number and saves it in the CALLS list.  However, if I have that caller's number and name in the directory, the name doesn't appear when that person calls - the second line of the display is empty.

What am I doing wrong?

Peter M

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Message 2 of 9

Re: Decor 2200 won't display caller's name

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That usually happens on caller display phones, if the full national number is not entered in the phone directory, but just a local short dialling code instead.

The entry in the phone`s directory, has to match exactly with the incoming CLI, for the name to be displayed.

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Message 3 of 9

Re: Decor 2200 won't display caller's name

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Hello Keith:

No, the number in the directory is exactly as it appears in the CALLS list.  There's something odd because I just received a call which didn't show the name as the phone rang but did show the name during the call and it's now in the CALL list. Previous calls from that person are still in the CALLS list without the name.  I may figure it out eventually but would like to know how others have got it to work properly.

Peter  M

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Message 4 of 9

Re: Decor 2200 won't display caller's name

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That sounds more like an issue with the phone.

I have the BT4600, and that has no issue like that.

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Message 5 of 9

Re: Decor 2200 won't display caller's name

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I have fixed it.  Its a bug in the Decor 2200.

If there are numbers in the Calls list which do NOT have names, either because they were calls from numbers which were NOT in the Directory or because the matching Directory entry has no name, then even if you then add this number (with the name) to the Directory (or edit the Directory entry to add a name to the existing entry), any subsequent calls from that number will not display the caller's name.  The phone seems to check previous calls before looking in the Directory.

The work-around is to remove ALL entries of that number from the Calls list and THEN add that number WITH the new name to the Directory.  Subsequent calls from that number will then display with the new name.

It's probably easier to delete ALL the entries from the Calls list before adding ANY new number+name to the directory.  The instruction leaflet doesn't say how to do this (or how to delete single entries from the Calls list) but there is a way to do it.  Press "Calls" to display the first number in the Calls list, then "Menu" to display "Save Number".  Press "Calls" once again to display "Delete Entry" or twice to display "Delete All" as required, then "OK" to display "Are You Sure" then "OK" again to complete the job.

Could the moderators please draw this to the attention of the designers of the Decor 2200?  They might say this is not a bug but a feature!

Peter M

Message 6 of 9

Re: Decor 2200 won't display caller's name

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What an interesting "feature". 

I doubt very much that the phone was even designed by BT. Normally a specification is sent to an offshore company (China or similar). They produce samples for test, prior to production.

I think that some triallists may also receive ones to debug. I have received other phones this way, none of which were any good, and never saw the light of day.

Its always worth providing the solution here, as I am sure someone else will find it helpful.

I doubt if there is any feedback route for this product, apart from via the product helpdesk.

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Message 7 of 9

Re: Decor 2200 won't display caller's name

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As a one-time eledtronics product designer myself, I fully understand that my report of this bug may go nowhere, but hopefully if someone else is puzzled by this fault and they do a bit of searching in the BT community, they will find my work-around.

Although the instruction leaflet gives the helpdesk phone number, the helpdesk themselves say they offer no support for the Decor 2200.   It's doing what I wanted now so I am not complaining.

Peter M

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Message 8 of 9

Re: Decor 2200 won't display caller's name

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Hi @PeterMartinez thanks for your posts and glad you've resolved this problem. I'll get your feedback passed on to the product team.


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Message 9 of 9

Re: Decor 2200 won't display caller's name

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To Peter Martinez

We just bought the Decor 2200 and were annoyed by the flashing 'new' and caller display.

THANK YOU SO MUCH for your guide to removing these - it has solved the problem which was not available in the printed guide as you say.



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