Message 21 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.

'there's more to life than worrying about being cut off for a few minutes.'

Maybe I know more people over 80 years old than you do, they are going to find it terrifying if suddenly no power and no means to call

Message 22 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.


'there's more to life than worrying about being cut off for a few minutes.'

Maybe I know more people over 80 years old than you do, they are going to find it terrifying if suddenly no power and no means to call

I'm not disputing that, it's a question of probability.

Message 23 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.

So I posted in this thread to give BT a chance to explain how they could justify apparently planning to fail to meet clearly stated OfCom requirements.  So far they haven't.

I did get some useful advice back thanks however I'll summarise that as being to maintain a service that meets OfCom requirements I would have to pay £84.99 for a UPS to have a phone that would only work in my garage and then have to buy another UPS to power a Digital Voice Adapter that it is uncertain whether it will actually properly link up.  

So I'll be advising BT that if they cut off my analog landline it will be a formal complaint to OfCom and possible other action. 

0 Ratings
Message 24 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.

It appears they're already doing all they have to, a simple google search produced a pdf from Ofcom in 2019 with the below re your specific point

2.23 In summary, the principles state that:
• Providers should have at least one solution available that enables access to emergency
services for a minimum of one hour in the event of a power outage in the premises;
• The solution should be suitable for customers’ needs and should be offered free of
charge to those who are at risk as they are dependent on their landline;
• Providers should i) take steps to identify at risk customers and ii) engage in effective
communications to ensure all customers understand the risk and eligibility criteria and
can request the protection solution; and
• Providers should have a process to ensure that customers who move to a new house or
whose circumstances change are aware of the risk and protection solution available.

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Message 25 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.

Ofcom are far blunter here:  https://www.ofcom.org.uk/phones-telecoms-and-internet/advice-for-consumers/problems/landlines-and-po...

'Over the next few years, it will become more common for phone calls to be carried over broadband, and this will eventually replace traditional landline call services. Whether you have a corded or cordless landline telephone, broadband-based call services need mains power to operate.

Ofcom rules mean providers must take all necessary measures to ensure their customers can call the emergency services during a power cut. So these companies will need to put additional protections in place as they move to new broadband-based call technology'

0 Ratings
Message 26 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.

What I posted is from an Ofcom document

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Message 27 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.

And so is this (the rules any provider of telephone services has to comply with) https://www.ofcom.org.uk/__data/assets/pdf_file/0021/112692/Consolidated-General-Conditions.pdf

See rule A3.2 on page 7:

'Availability of services, including access to emergency services

A3.2 Regulated Providers must take all necessary measures to ensure:
(a) the fullest possible availability of the Public Electronic Communications Network and
Publicly Available Telephone Services provided by them in the event of catastrophic
network breakdown or in cases of force majeure; and

(b) uninterrupted access to Emergency Organisations as part of any Publicly Available
Telephone Services offered.'

To use a famous phrase, BT really didn't want to get me angry on this 

0 Ratings
Message 28 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.

I'm going to raise a complaint about my cordless phone then

0 Ratings
Message 29 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.

I should explain I have two agendas on this lack of emergency call issue.  On a personal level my wife and I can cope with this now but either we will die (not plan A) or will at some point be in our 80s less able to so cope.

But as a local volunteer, I look out for a number of people who very much are in their 80s, have underlying conditions made worse by any stress and are in general less than mobile phone astute.  I really fear for what could happen to them during a power cut if this roll out goes through without BT complying with the OfCom rules.  

0 Ratings
Message 30 of 199

Re: Digital voice and power cuts.


I'm going to raise a complaint about my cordless phone then

You can't, that was your choice not to have an analog phone 

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