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Message 21 of 22

Re: Do I need a Landline if I have FTTP

Remember the Halo 2 deal includes £5pm discount for each mobile account.

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Message 22 of 22

Re: Do I need a Landline if I have FTTP

Yes you are right, I pay £35 for Fibre 100 and I am being offered Fibre300 for the same price. So I think I might as well take that and get the extra speed. I honestly didn't know you could drop Halo....I just thought it came with the Fibre 100. But now it appears I get discount on my mobile Package with having Halo it looks like this is all a good deal. To be honest all this has been a steep learning curve to me. BT have a rather complicated pricing and billing structure. Or maybe this was all explained to me at the time I signed up for Fibre it appears it has all went over my head or maybe the BT rep didn't explain it well enough. Or maybe it was a bit of both. Anyway, with this discussion I think I am beginning to understand what is going on but I wouldn't claim to be an expert. What I do know is their Billing is very complicated and certainly not straightforward. Anyway, I think my next move is go for Fibre 300 and get the extra speed for the same price that I already paying.
Thanks again
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